Any suggestions for a good,comprehensive survival book? Ideally, a small paperback, with lots of basic info and practical survival tips. I already have a good first aid book that I always travel with ("Wilderness First Aid" by Dr. Gilbert Preston - highly recomended!). A great little paperback.
I am looking for something to add to my travel grear that'll remind me of all the stuff that I think I know now, but will probably forget if the SHTF! It would be geat to have a large volume with lots of charts and drawings, but size and weight are considerations - I know from experience that a small paperback is much more lightly to be packed along and be there when I need it.
All suggestions most appreciated!
I am looking for something to add to my travel grear that'll remind me of all the stuff that I think I know now, but will probably forget if the SHTF! It would be geat to have a large volume with lots of charts and drawings, but size and weight are considerations - I know from experience that a small paperback is much more lightly to be packed along and be there when I need it.
All suggestions most appreciated!