Survival Scenario #336

14" New Model, Model 19 S&W with about 160 rounds, duct tape, zippo lighter with can of fuel, Simpson Electrical Meter. I'm sure the Simpson Meter will be extra handy, since there'll be no electricity available in all likelyhood. Cold Steel lock-bck is always in right front pocket. Wish I could get to a holster for the Model 19 & my Tilley hat. Sunshine is tough on a bald head.
Great thread!
Lemme see.... *rummage rummage* wallet, leatherman tool, Petersen's Guide to Edible Plants (just the thing for the desert), lead balls and percussions caps but no pistol or powder. But what's this? Yayy! My slingshot and 8x pocket binocs. Also an empty 1 liter soda bottle. If I lean way over and stretch, I can get my walking stick and use it to snag my aussie hat and sandals. That, and a couple of P. O'Brien novels look to be the best I can do. Not great, but not too bad if I can dodge the zombies :)
qubehead said:
... lead balls and...My slingshot. Not great, but not too bad if I can dodge the zombies :)

You know...Zombies *are* a little bit mooshey. I bet a solid head shot from a slingshot propelled lead ball just might work!

There *is* hope for you.

I have a cute little damascus knife with a 1,5" blade, a sharpening stone/sandpaper, a 500ml bottle of Zippo Fuel, two climbing carambiners, and if I'd reach out a tiny bit more I might be able to grab my airgun and poblably 50bullets.

I guess I'm game. Then again, if I could grab the stuff that is in my room, it'd be a totally different story...

Great. I'm showing up with a jar of spagheti sauce and a Chicago Cutlery chef's knife (no, not one of the good old carbon ones). If I pass any cute gals on the way out, I'll be sure to grab a good supply of them. :eek:

(in reality, add a bottle of olive oil and an empty container for water. I'll be at the rendezvous point in, hmmm......15 days. 5 if I can acquire a bike)
My "desk" is a tiny square table wedged between two gigantic overstuffed bookshelves. From here I can reach my shoulder bag, all of my large knives (including my trusty AK), all of my sharpening equipment and ammunition, a small mirror, a 9mm, a Hideaway/Photon necklace combo, a Micra/Photon combo on a crappy carabiner, some matches, a full Nalgene water bottle, some balisongs, a bandanna, some candles, a sebenza, a jar of leather treatment, a cell phone, 2 bars of soap, a roll of dental floss, 8 sheets of sandpaper, tung oil, a tin of tiger balm, a ball of blaze orange paracord, and a 6' pole from this hatrack I've been too lazy to assemble. Oh, and approximately eighty million books; I can only hope that one of them is some kind of Field Guide to North American Zombies. ;)

Note that I've only listed the stuff that seems halfway useful -- I don't really live in perpetual fear of a Zombie Invasion, I just need to clean off all the random stuff on my bookshelves once in a while. :p
Oh yeah ... Dennis Hopper sums it up at the end .... (click to watch the movie trailer)

" In the film, zombies having taken over the world and those left alive are confined to a walled-in city that keeps out the corpse corps. Anarchy rules the streets, with the wealthy insulated and living in fortified skyscrapers. The drama revolves around a group of scavengers who must thwart an attempt to overthrow the city while the dead are evolving from brainless slow-moving creatures into more advanced creatures. "
Well lets see here, iffen I dont do the whole chair with wheels thing, and stick to just what's on the computer desk, then I can bring used q-tips, a bundle of horse hair, eye glass case, tooth brush, bottle of lemon juice, a bottle of JB scotch, and a can of diet pepsi. Unfortunately my computer desk is a table and is occupied mostly by the monitor and tv.

Now if we go what is in reach, I have the advantage of a small room in which everything is essentially in reach. So letsee, for guns a choice of either a Kimber, a single shot 12 guage, Hi-Point 9mm, or a GHK .45 Have 100 rnds of .45, and 50 rnds of 9, unfortunately no 12 guage shells (the durned store wont put out the buckshot til deer season). For knives well, about 12 khuks, 3 kampilans, 3 barongs, 9 kris, 1 pira, head axe, 3 bolo, and well ok Im losing count and suffice to say there is more than enough choice. Other miscellaneous gear: all my clothes, blankets, various books on history and weaponry, sharpening implements, nail-clippers, vitamins and other over the counter medicines, etc... Now if this was pre-party, there would be even more booze and knives in the room in easy reach.

So Im in the dessert trying to fight Zombies and make it to the rendevous spot. Since its five things to grab, I figure the stuff on me doesnt count, so I have my EDC a CRKT, lighter, smokes, and light coat so not too bad off from the get go. Ok, first scenario in which Im limited to the stuff on the desk, I guess Id bring the lemon juice, could try drinking it, the bottle of scotch (could also double as a weapon), can of diet pepsi, horse hair (I figure I could always use it as tinder for starting fires), and well then its a toss up between the tooth brush or used q-tips.

Second scenario in which I can reach stuff, well then of course the Kimber/ammo, a special kris just right for taking Zombie heads, oh lets stick with the lemon juice and scotch may be able to get some nutrition from that combo, and a towel (you should always bring a towel).

Oh well, the desert part really screws me, growing up in MN, dont have too much dessert experience. At least in a forest theres wood to make stuff out of, and a better chance for food and water. I figure the zombies arent the big concern in this situation, but the problem of finding water and nutrition. So barring running into one of you who can find water or food in the desert, Id be pretty dead after a few days, maybe more if I can move slow at night and avoid expending to much hydration fighting zombies, from dehydration.
2 eucalyptus didgeridoos from Australia
1 stone buddha
1 conch shell "trumpet" (from Hawaii)
Roll of film and stapler

oh and one roll of masking tape :D
Spyderco police, Victorinox classic, crappy chinese penlight, pack of gum, and a diet coke. My legion of disciples would be dissapointed. :(
Nice knowing you Rob and jw...(unless a didgeridoo would scare off the zombies or that pack of gum is awfully potent)

Nasty said:
Nice knowing you Rob and jw...(unless a didgeridoo would scare off the zombies or that pack of gum is awfully potent)
Uwinv Nasty I'm not sure if you know it but Uwinv Rob does actually play the Didg.;)
All the girls love Didg players and their circular breathing I'm told.:D ;) :eek:
Uwinv Rob made and sent me a beautiful and Large Bamboo Didg but I have never mastered the art of breathing like that, dammit, but I did get there for a while where I could make some interesting sounds with it that didn't sound at all like a giant farting.:rolleyes: :p :D
Circular breathing just has to play a part in hunting and killing zombies somehow.:p ;)
Mayhaps a long low droning sound with a fly buzzing in the background could be used to lure them in for an extremely easy kill? ;)
Kismet said:
be used to lure them in

uh, you wanna re-think this concept?

Like guns, I know little about zombies either.:rolleyes: :p ;) I did survive the test, but just barely.
But Hey! That's what ya call livin on the edge ainnit? :eek: :D The way I'm feelin today I'd call in a few hundred just to be able to light a big assed bonfire and go out in a blaze of glory.:eek: :D ;)