Frankly, Survive in my opinion has inadvertently created a condition that has developed into a significant amount of negative perception of their company , product and among some of their most avid supporters.
IF I were part of the Survive Management it would disturb me greatly to see my product being sold at exorbitant cost, well over my MSR, or to the highest bidder by some Shyster- Opportunists because my Company has failed to effect sound production and business practice in all stages of it's organization. The list of oversights is long , starting with the requirement of Paying in Full, followed by protracted wait times , which are never disclosed , then excused because of some unforeseen obstacle.
It's a black eye in every sense of the word which creates consternation and resentment on several levels. Unless of course someone is a fan boy who will pay almost stupid prices just to own a knife that was a great value until they paid what amounts to a custom price for a sometimes used or second run item. This type of practice can and does destroy market share and erodes even some of the most avid supporters and loyalists who helped the company by buying their product and provided that same company with hard earned notoriety, which produced greater market share.
Some short sighted individuals or folks not engaged in business might see this as a positive thing but it is not. Primarily because on it's face the price gouging alone due to lack of follow through has subjected the customer base to the exact opposite of what Survive and most companies strive for; An excellent product, at a fair market price and an established name brand. This in essence establishes trust, produces notoriety and good will of the company insuring future growth.
Incidentally I'm a business owner, staunch capitalist and owner of four Survive Knives. A couple of which I ordered and a couple I purchased here and another exchange.
IF I were part of the Survive Management it would disturb me greatly to see my product being sold at exorbitant cost, well over my MSR, or to the highest bidder by some Shyster- Opportunists because my Company has failed to effect sound production and business practice in all stages of it's organization. The list of oversights is long , starting with the requirement of Paying in Full, followed by protracted wait times , which are never disclosed , then excused because of some unforeseen obstacle.
It's a black eye in every sense of the word which creates consternation and resentment on several levels. Unless of course someone is a fan boy who will pay almost stupid prices just to own a knife that was a great value until they paid what amounts to a custom price for a sometimes used or second run item. This type of practice can and does destroy market share and erodes even some of the most avid supporters and loyalists who helped the company by buying their product and provided that same company with hard earned notoriety, which produced greater market share.
Some short sighted individuals or folks not engaged in business might see this as a positive thing but it is not. Primarily because on it's face the price gouging alone due to lack of follow through has subjected the customer base to the exact opposite of what Survive and most companies strive for; An excellent product, at a fair market price and an established name brand. This in essence establishes trust, produces notoriety and good will of the company insuring future growth.
Incidentally I'm a business owner, staunch capitalist and owner of four Survive Knives. A couple of which I ordered and a couple I purchased here and another exchange.
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