Swiss-Tech ScrewBall, ScrewzAll

Jan 9, 2003
What are your opinions on these 2 mini keychain screwdriver sets made by Swiss-Tech?

One is a ball and the other is not. Which one is better, how well made are they and can they handle abuse and wear and tear well?

The Screwball has an eyeglass screwdriver, im assuming that is a flat head right?
I haven't used either, so I can't give you a relative opinion. However, I have used other Swiss-Tech tools and would rate them as excellent quality. I carry their Utili-Key everywhere and keep a MicroPlus around for airplane carry.

--Bob Q
First I would be amazed if they let any tool like that on board a plane today, but I would be happy.

I have never handled the ball, but have carried the
Screwzall for a year or 2. Surprisingly strong, until i broke the end of the small flatblade. Just the corner of the blade tip.. (It wasn't my fault, the torx set I have does not have one small enough...) So I got a second one. This one also lost a corner of the fine flatblade whin I tried to loosen a screw on a computer card that was cross threaded.

The folding design allows surprising torque on any of the drives. Not much reach, but a wonderful tool.
Originally posted by grommit
First I would be amazed if they let any tool like that on board a plane today, but I would be happy.

I carried a Swiss-Tech Micro-Plus on my last trip. Airport security looked it over and handed it back. It does not have a blade or any of the other tools that are specificallly proscribed by the regulations. I'm sure some security people will object, but most probably won't. And I can afford to lose a $10 tool if I get unlucky.

--Bob Q
I have the ball model. I usually carry it if I don't know what kind of minor repairs we might have to make. The quality is good.

However, both my wife and I carry a tool that's really a small, hollow screwdriver handle. Inside is the shaft which has a magnetic end; it takes traditional hex screwdriver, torx and hex bits. It has four holders in the handle for bits, but there is room for an additional two more in the handle.

I looked around and decided what my most traditional six most used bits would be. For example, my 1911 grips use a 3/32 hex screw, so I have the bit. Same way for Phillips heads on my dashboard. My wife fitted hers with the most common ones she uses at school. And the flat blades are hollow-ground and resist buggering a screw head.

It is the about the same size as the ball.
If you've got the extra space and the inclination to carry something bigger, maybe take a look into getting yourself the plus part of a Swisstool Plus. It's a quality little tool.
The Swiss Tools are definately quality pieces. I stopped carrying mine because I carry a Cross Grip but when I get sick of the SOG, I may go back to it. I also carry a Craftsman screwdriver in my wallet (flat with 4 heads).