Sword khukuris

Oct 9, 2003
So, what's out there in the HI realm?
I know what I have bought.
I bought two 30 inch sirupatis. (One for Hatsumi Sensei and one for Nagato Sensei. They were very happy with those...)
I also bought a 30 inch kobra for another Martial artist friend of mine.
I had a 30 inch Gelbu, but I had to sell it when I was too poor to survive.
Now I have replaced it with a 25 inch Gelbu.
My 25 inch Gelbu special bent when I mis-cut some bamboo a while back, but as usual HI replaced it for free.

I want a falcatta but I cant spend that kind of money right now.
What other khukuris do yall have that are over 22 inches?

I'd like to hear about them and see pictures and especially video, if possible.
I am going to try and shoot some more video today of my 25" gelbu.
My battle-ready sword/khuk is my 25" Kobra. At first it felt too heavy for a "light" khuk. It weighs in at 32 oz where my 20.5" Kobra weighs in at 20.5oz. However, after roughing the horn handle with 400 grit sand paper the handling improved 10 fold. It wasn't the weight, but the slickness of the handle. I know the 25" kobra is not a chopper, but i wouldn't think twice to use it to cut a 4" log if i had to. Actually, I did have to one time before the time of the 22" GRS I have (right before as i bought one after this experience). A tree blew over in my path at my mother's house during a storm. It was either wait for my grandfather to get there with a chainsaw (we're talking hours), or take the kobra I had in the truck to the tree in a careful manner. Was it very good at chopping the log? Not as good as a GRS or an AK, but it did work in a pinch. Would I have used something else if i had it on hand? Oh yes. An 18" YCS or AK or WWII would have been great. Did this void the warranty? Yep, but I didn't buy it to return it:) If i broke it, it would be my fault, but i needed to use something to clear my path. Long story short, the 25" Kobra (if made beefy) will be a sword that I would imagine would survive even the worst battle conditions and glaced blows. The sucker is 3/8" at the spine, after all:) The kobra used to have a cult status. It's shame it's not as prized as it once was. I really enjoy both my kobras.

Sorry, I can't help with this one Danny ~ but I can't help but think that a 22" chainpuri would be slick. I like my 18" kobra, but I like my 15" chainpuri mo better.

As of this morning I'm now the keeper of a 25 inch 36 ounce Neem wood handle Chitlangi! :D

I only have a rather cheap web-cam but I'll snag some pics when it arrives,though I'll....need a few days to get my jaw off the floor;it's beautiful enough in pics...in person? :eek:

All ya HI folk rock! :thumbup: keep at it.
Steely_Gunz said:
My battle-ready sword/khuk is my 25" Kobra. At first it felt too heavy for a "light" khuk. It weighs in at 32 oz where my 20.5" Kobra weighs in at 20.5oz.

y'all are making me cry here :)

Hold out for the Falcatta Danny...trust me.
25" kobra
30" kobra
25" AK

All you really need.... except possibly that 40" GR mentioned in the other threads..:D
The only one I've got is a 30" sirupati when they were on sale for only $115.00. Heavy for a one hander, and while the handle is long enough for a hand and a half or even two hands, its kind of awkward with two hads. It chopped the h*ll out of a lilac bush that had gotten out of control though!
I have a 30" Kobra, but never actually use it as it's a bit too large for me. For my height (5') the 20" Sirupati is my zombie slasher of choice, but I may try out a 25" something-or-other one of these days. :)
I have a falcata, a 25" and a 30" Sirupati. The 25 incher could probably benefit from having the handle roughened.

So lets talk about the falcatta for a minute. Can we get some good close-ups and comparison shots with similarly-sized khukuris?
I have:
25" regular weight Sirupati. It's a little heavy for my 5'-5" elfishness. Don't have a pic.

25" Kobra sized Sirupati. I bought this second hand and thought it was a Kobra. The blade is definitely kobra sized, but the cho and buttcap are Sirupati. Those kamis really have a mind of their own.:) It's the middle one in this pic.

30" Kobra. I've used this one for clearing brush. Even a kobra is a handfull at this length. It's the top one in the pic above.
