Symbol for 2007?

Apr 20, 2001
Is it known yet what the year symbol for 2007 will be? All my references from Levine's 4th to the new Blade's Guide stop at 2006.
There was some mighty fine print on that tang stamp for the "Founder's 112", I wouldn't mind seeing some actual numbers tang stamped for the year of production.
If they did the actual year, think about how many new peeps wouldn't be here. Sometimes I think that is their first question.

Relative to the 112 Founder: the fine print between the top and bottom rocker stamps "BUCK" "KNIVES" is
"112 u.s.a" with the gawd awful hard to describe laying down "T" immediately following the 112.

I hope they stay away from the sideway-upsidedown-facing left-right stuff.
better yet use romen numbers on the back
and start the count from 61 as year one and
go from there with each year in roman numbers
from now on the back! that or start year one
from when hoit set up at al's house....
most kool :thumbup: ... yes?
;) :cool: :D

...Ya gotta "unnerstan' " ,TLC, I mighta been takin' "pain meds" when I typed that...Cut my finggerr rubbin' on an ol' blade...:foot: :eek: :foot: :p

HAHA...hey most mornings before my coffee kicks in, I ain't real sure who I am either! :D
Anyone know anything about this?
What's the tang stamp look like?
Is manufacturing shut down for January?
Certainly those Idaho peeps have been doing something besides warming up to a bowl of 'tater chowder...
Why don't they just stamp the blades with the year of production? Is it because most people would not want to buy a "leftover" 2005 or 06 in 2007?
i still vote for roman numbers on the back!!!!!
come on it would be neet and no one else does it!!!