Symbol on Lil' Temperance clip?

May 29, 2000
The subject says it all. I went to a local gun range today, and they had a Lil' temperance with the spear point blade in stock. Cool knife!! A lot bigger and thicker than I thought it would be. I think I read once that the symbol on the clip was Sal's initials or something like that? I would appreciate if anyone could clear this up for me. I'm thinking about getting this knife as the price is comparable to most internet sites but without paying shipping. Also, are there plans to offer another clip for this knife. I'm wondering as I have heard about this clip's tendency to eat pockets.

It looks like it actually spells SAL. The "S" is to the left and the "L" is inside of the "A"
I'm pretty sure the symbol says "SAL". Very cool. Reminds me of an old ranch brand or something.

As for the clip, don't worry too much about it. I've found it to be very secure and to be fine on pockets. It took a bit of getting used to but it hasn't torn up my pockets at all.

The Lil Temperance is a very nice knife, and cuts extremely well. It is probably my favorite Spyderco, and close to my favorite knife of all time.

You should definitely go for it.

-- Rob