TAA-DAA!! The Hossom Millennium Black!!


Aug 11, 1999
Good Evening my fellow knife lovers! Thanks for clicking in; you are now about to enter the fabulous world of CUSTOM KNIVES, featuring the work of one of the KINGS of knifemaking...Mr. JERRY HOSSOM!! I'm sure most of you know of Jerry and his beautiful knives: check out www.hossom.com for more info, or do a search right here. Anyway...

...last week was my birthday, and to celebrate, I spoiled myself and had ordered a Millennium Black from Jerry. After I told my wife what I did, she hit me over the head with a frying pan(yes, there was bacon in it) and gave me the usual 'wife' lecture on how money was too tight right now, and we had to pay the rent, and the bills, and how we needed the money for more important stuff like food and clothes for the kids, etc. (yawn) So then I showed her a pic of one of Jerry's sweet neck knives, and told her how cool she would be with one of them, and how I could order one for her and we would BOTH get new knives at the same time...Well, it worked, cause here I am folks, with the SWEETEST knife in the world. Click on www.hossom.com/gallery/img29.jpg to see my baby, and then click on www.hossom.com/gallery/img30.jpg to see my wifey poo's knife. Or go to www.hossom.com/gallery and then click on page three for info...

Killer knives, huh? Mine's made out of CPM-3V with a dark bronze TiN coating, copper bolsters, and rag micarta for the handle, and my wife's is ATS-34 with imitation pearl handles. All thanks to Jerry...

Now I know some of you are saying, "Yeah right MrG, that's a sweet looking knife, but can it CUT??" And I say to all of you, "Can it cut? HA!!" That's right, HA!!

For the last three days, I've been locked downstairs in the basement, SEVERELY testing the limits of my new knife. (Well, not THAT severely...it IS my new knife ya know!) Thick ass rolls of tightly bundled wet newspapers gave way easily to the sharp angles of Jerry's Millennium Black; all it took was one witik to cleanly sever one of the tubes! Still not satisfied, I wrapped the wet newspapers in one of my kids' jeans, and then took a medium speed #2 slash at my target...it went through the denim and cut a deep gash in the newspaper! (Yes, my wife already yelled at me for ruining my daughter's jeans, and yes we're going to the mall tomorrow to buy her more).
Ahhh, but I still wasn't satisfied! I took one of the chickens out of our freezer when my wife wasn't looking, took a pair of denim shorts that she doesn't wear anymore, wrapped the chicken tightly in the shorts with duct tape, hung it with some paracord, and went a swinging! EVERY slash went through the shorts and cut the chicken, with several going through the bones! I then carefully washed my knife and hands, cause I don't want any salmonella baby!

Of course, I STILL wasn't satisfied! I took all these moving boxes my wife has saved for our big move this summer, and cut them up big time! I went crazy!! The Millennium Black stabbed, slashed, cut, thrust, poked, ripped all the boxes like a whirlwind, until all that was left were scraps.

And yes, the blade still shaved hair.

For me, that was enough. I wanted a blade shape that had a very sharp point, as I tend to be very point oriented in my techniques. Jerry made this point so sharp that it pierces like a hypodermic needle. I wanted a sure grip, with a pinky hook so my draw would be sure. Not only did Jerry give me that, he made the handle out of RAG MICARTA...one of a kind. I also wanted thumb serrations so I could achieve a saber grip, because I LOVE doing snap cuts/witiks, and Jerry did it for me. I wanted a subdued finish for the blade, and Jerry responded with a dark bronze TiN coating...WOO-HOO!! So far, this knife has it all. But for me, I place a LOT of importance on how the knife CARRIES, and how it DRAWS. And how did Jerry respond? Why, with our own Waxy himself, Mr. Matt Draper!!

Matt makes some killer concealex sheaths. For my Millennium Black, he made me a perfect shiny gloss sheath with a static cord. I prefer carrying IWB a la Bob Kasper, and Matt's sheath was absolutely PERFECT. I wore the knife to work, to the grocery store, to pick up my kids from school, to Blockbuster's to rent "Eyes Wide Shut" for the tenth time so I could see Nicole Kidman naked again...everywhere. And it was comfortable. No hot spots, no irritation...like it wasn't even there. I even did 50 Hindu squats while wearing it. And that's great for a 12 and 1/2 inch knife!!

On to the draw...I personally don't believe in quick draw knife fights. This "I can draw and slash in 1/100,000,000's of a second" is too weird for me. I like being able to draw from a variety of positions. Sitting, on the ground, laying down, etc. I like a knife that's smooth on the draw, and sure handled so when I grab for the knife, it's THERE. And here's where the Millennium Black also shines. Talk about a sure grip!! I also sweat a lot(I know, I know...it turns on the chicks) so while training I would wipe my sweat with my hands, and then slash and thrust full power. No slippage baby! Now that's a sticky grip!!

Matt also made a beautiful sheath for my wife's neck knife, which did much in her forgiving me. (See, and you thought my wife would divorce me for cutting up all her boxes and her shorts that I thought she didn't wear anymore...she just kicked me in the buttocks, that's all) Not only that, he also tossed in a horizontal belt sheath too! I highly recommend Matt's sheath work, so much that I'm sending him some of my other knives so he can make me more sheaths!

So, as I sit here in my boxer underwear, I am holding my Hossom Millennium Black, which, BTW, weighs less than my Edges2 Gatorback training knife, mindlessly shaving hair from my arm, thinking that everyone in the whole wide world needs to know how awesome Jerry's knives are, and how they can be in knife niravana as I am, all by simply ordering one of his knives.

It's definitely an experience.

[This message has been edited by MrG (edited 04-16-2000).]
I think any fighting knife fan should seriously consider one of Jerry's blades... Function, form and beauty all wrapped in one package!

I am waiting on my second Hossom a smaller 4-5" daily carry in CPM3V. I doing pretty well in containing my anticipation until I saw this post!

Okay, this is my beauty: http://albums.photopoint.com/j/ViewPhoto?u=135433&a=992914&p=16964392 and I am awaiting its return from Mike Sastre with a "concealed" sheath. I am doubtful. But if anyone can do it, I think Mike can.


AKTI #A000356
yes .. its the waiting I have trouble with as well. Sighh
I am waiting on two currently and am fairly well insane at this point. What is Jerry's Wait time now. Is it measured in years

Think I will shoot him an email. Find out what his schedule is like directly from him. I never even knew he had a gallery before this thread and I have visited his site a hundred or so times. Man there were some yummy things in there.



So, you are the lucky SOB who got the Millennium Black Fighter with the stunning rag micarta scales! The last piece of rag micarta on the planet. Congratulations my friend
! That's One Hell of a beautiful blade.

Great review too. And done as only you could do it Mr.G

Now, listen, don't be afraid to keep cutting everything in sight with that Black. I tested its twin, as you may recall, and I'm telling you that that CPM-3V is amazing. Your CPM-3V blade, profiled as it is with Jerry's incomparable reinforced edge hollow grind, will cut through flesh and bone, rattan, whatever, with impunity. I'll bet that once you become friends with your new Millennium Black Fighter, you'll be able to cut right through a leg of lamb with it, just like I did with its twin.

Enjoy, My Friend. Enjoy!



Tuvo muy mala suerte...se callo en mi cuchillo.

Hey guys!

I have to say that Jerry is truly a man of his word. I ordered the knife in mid December, and casually mentioned to Jerry that my birthday was in April. Jerry tells me that he'll try and have it ready by then.

Well, two days before my birthday, not only do I get my knife, I get my wife's knife as well! With Matt's excellent sheaths! How's that for service? Domino's Pizza, eat your heart out!!

I took my Millennium Black with me to my training session today...to show off, of course.
Have you ever seen a room full of grown men cry? Besides in prison or a strip club? Tears of joy and awe flowed freely in class as my fellow students marveled at the wonderful balance of the Millennium Black, and at how sharp and pointy the blade is, and how comfortable and secure the handle is, and how the knife concealed so well, and how it drew so smoothly out of it's 'dope ass' sheath(hey, that's what someone said, exactly)...I just love showing off this knife!

Oh yeah, Gaucho, I'm already friends with this knife. We spent the weekend together...in bed. And the knife respected me in the morning.

I'm impressed! That knife is a hot ticket for sure, so for it to still respect you in the morning must mean that you are quite the hot little ticket yourself. Now I understand why your wife puts up with your shenanigans



Tuvo muy mala suerte...se callo en mi cuchillo.

AAAARGH!! I too am waiting on a pair of knives from Jerry... And this post isn't making it any easier!
I congratulate you, Alan, on your new soulmate

My two soulmates will hopefully arrive within a month to a month and a half...Sigh
The waiting...The waiting is what drives you mad...
Oh well, I have to go now. The voices are telling me to go sharpen my knives again...

Joshua "Kage" Calvert

"Move like Water, strike like Thunder..."

Thank you for your kind words about my sheaths. I also must add kudos to Jerry and his superlative work.

I took my matched Millennium fighters (11" blades) and my Millennium Bowie (12.5 inch blade) into a room full of hardened martial artists. They proceeded to act like small children.

In essence, I love showing off my knives too!


Waxes Eloquent, Leader of the Terrible Ironic Horde and Mighty Brain Spewer
Waxy's Custom Concealex Page
Waxy's Custom Shirts for Concealed Carry Page
Waxy's Coveted Knives Page
Mmm'kay, people, here's an update on my beautiful Millennium Black fighter...

I accidentally STABBED myself in the thigh last night!!

It was after class, and I was doing a basic flow drill with my knife while I was talking to a friend. (yeah, I know it's stupid, but then again, if you look up stupid in the dictionary, you'll see a pic of me
) All of a sudden, the point hit me in the upper thigh, went through my Levi's, and neatly punctured a small hole in my skin. DOH! No blood, or so I thought. I get home, take off my jeans, and there it is...my first scar from my Hossom knife! A nice small hole, with very little blood. YIPPEE!!

I just thought that I'd share this with all of you, so when you get your Hossom knives, you too can poke yourself in the leg. If you already have a Hossom, please feel free to stab yourself at anytime.
Outstanding Mr.G! Now you are fully blooded and one with your new blade

Its funny, but I never seem to cut myself while actually training, but only when I'm not paying attention to what I'm doing with a blade.

When Jerry's Espada prototype first arrived, I took it into my minor surgery suite, closed the door, and ran through several E y D flow drills to get the feel of it. As I was coming back up the hallway- with a huge grin on my face
- to put the sword away in my office, I was stopped by one of my nurses who needed me to look at a chart.

So, here I am juggling 30" of live sword- and you guys know how sharp Jerry's blades are- and my pen in one hand, and a chart in the other, trying not to stab my nurse while I write down what needs to be done. So, naturally, I accidently touch the side of my right thumb to the tip of the sword and voila, I cleanly laid it open down to the bone. A nice one inch long gash. It bled like stink! I had to superglue and steri-strip myself back together and put a pressure dressing on it. What an idiot!!

Moral of the story- just go ahead and cut your nurse. Better her than you!



Tuvo muy mala suerte...se callo en mi cuchillo.

That handle design... that's it! That's all any full sized "tactical" knives need!
Hey people!!

tallwingedgoat- I remember reading a thread on fighting knives, I think Marion David Poff started it, and Jerry wrote about his edge bevel angle. Sorry I don't have it off the top of my head...

SB- You're right! Jerry's handle sticks to your hand like chewing gum on a hot sidewalk. Wet, dry...it doesn't matter. Secure baby!

Gaucho, you walk around the hospital with a Hossom Espada??!!


Imagine when my daughter gets her tonsillectomy next week, and then her doctor walks in holding a Millennium Machete!! Hey, at least I know it'll be sharp!
Thanks MrG, I found it on Gaucho's leg of lamb thread.

I'd love to see a Hossom scimitar one day, some of those are close to these knife designs, being super light and hollow ground.
Ah! MrG, so you are the proud owner of that rag micarta beauty.. It slipped my mind (must bt eht wok load). Beautiful beautiful indeed. Thanks for the review. No wonder you are in your boxers.. you CUT everythign in sight. As always I love your posts.. it make sme laugh intensely.. (to your wife's dismay I am sure)

Here is my beauty...

I hope to make a detailed review of it soon as soon as the semester winds down. I have to see where I can get a leg of lamb though

and mario, yes we are familar with your nurses. Charming ladies I am sure. Now why don't I ever see any doctors with espadas.

<A HREF="http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~soo/balisong/balisong.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~soo/balisong/balisong.html
</A> If you play with love you will be heartbroken; if you play with knives you will [bleed]

So you're the one with that knife. Jerry sent me a photo of that for the handle design while we were working out the details of the set he will be making for me. Ahhh! waiting is hard.


Yup.. proud owner of this Sniper
I like the handle a lot actually. It is tight and a the same time you can get a loose comfortable grip that doesn't stress your hand but still makes it feel solid. and that spike on the back is great for disarming. Not to mention skull bonking.

<A HREF="http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~soo/balisong/balisong.html" TARGET=_blank>http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~soo/balisong/balisong.html
</A> If you play with love you will be heartbroken; if you play with knives you will [bleed]
