No, it doesn't have to be a .22. I'd actually prefer something larger, since I'd have the option of using for something other than target shooting and plinking. But I just want it to be able to shoot well as a number 1 priority. I was thinking the rimfires would be the best bang for buck in the accuracy department, which is why I'd been thinking of the 10/22. But it could be a centerfire, be pink and have carvings of unicorns on it if it'll shoot under an inch at 100 yards. I was just thinking rimfire due to hearing about what rebarreled and retriggered 10/22's will do, and the cheap ammo is always a plus.
I've been shooting bows for years, and back in the day, under the influence of magnumitis, I'd purchased some cheap but high power bows, complete with mismatched arrows/rest/tuning, that shot for crap. It was incredibly irritating to make a shot I knew was perfect, and watch the arrow zip away to Narnia. I later upgraded to a well made, even higher power bowtech, actually matching all accessories and was amazed by the difference. I'm just an accuracy freak now.