Tactical fixed.

WW2, Red Army.

In may in Knife Magazine will be my article "Combat knives of the Bundeswehr".
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Magnificent collection!
Just goes to prove - there's no reason to stop!!!
Btw - what make and calibre is the revolver in post no 650?
Makandr, you continue to amaze!

My ancestors are from the Ukraine.
My Grandparents lived on a homestead in Alberta.
I have fond memories of my time living on that farm...
I'm wondering if you have any knives that may have been issued to Ukrainian forces, or special forces?

I'm excited to receive a recent purchase...
Lorien (wonderful guy to deal with, top notch!) sold me an A&R tactical knife!
I like how the dual guard bends forward with jimping at the top!
My friend Leroy was telling me about the quality of Kizlyar knives as well.
I have a TOPs Wild Pig Hunter that looks very much like a Kizlyar Phoenix.

Cheers Makandr!
TOPs Wild Pig Hunter is made in collaboration with the Kizlyar, it's just a copy of Phoenix.
My father was born in Ukraine, my mother was born in Ukraine, my wife was born in the Ukraine, I'm myself a Ukrainian by nationality but was born and live in St. Petersburg.
In Ukraine as in Russia, the main army knife - a Kalashnikov bayonet.
Ukrainian fighting knives for army ...
On Ukraine all so - through the ass ....
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Good Morning Makandr!
Thanks for the links & the information!
I have a renewed interest. I'm ashamed that I can no longer speak Ukrainian.
My grandmother worked on our basement, sewing drapes. So as a kid I would go hang out with Babba,
and she would teach me Ukranian. But, our family has died off... With very few remaining, or remembering.
Thanks again Makandr! Your knife collection is amazing!
If you ever need a Canadian contact to help with anything, just let me know!
Have a great day!!
Oh yeah, I love that Wild Pig Hunter! I would have loved to have that knife when I was sticking hogs!
Maybe someday I can get the Kizlyar to match!
About pig .... today photographed on the street of St. Petersburg ..... and they say that in Russia bears walk the streets ...
