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Tactical Knives Magazine

Oct 15, 2000
Some of you may remember that about a month ago I had posted a thread asking which knife/blade magazine would be best suited to the beginner blade enthusiast .....

Steven Dick, the editor of Tactical Knives, responded to the fact that I hadn't heard of, nor seen his magazine on any of the stores shelves here in town, by sending me free copies of last 2 issues (Nov 2000 and Jan 2001).

I would like to thank Steven again for his kindness and interest in helping keep a novice informed, and in exchange, I was asked by Steven to post my thoughts on the magazine here at BladeForums.Com.

I took a good deal of time reading through both copies, attempting to avoid being overwhelmed by the majority of "industry jargon" throughout the tomes.

To give a page-by-page review of each issue would be rather pedestrian and misleading coming from a blade-rookie like myself, but I can report that, although the majority of the magazines articles seem to be geared to "outdoorsmen" and "survivalists", the general interest articles, product reviews, were very well-written and informative. I learned a GREAT deal from such artcles as:

The Keen Edge: (Chuck Karwan) "Back to Sharpening Basics: How to Use Bench Stones"

The Steel Bin: (Butch Winter) "Buck Pioneers System to Coat Blades With Zirconium Nitride"

..... just to highlight a couple.

There was a comment by someone (whose name escapes me at present) referring to the fact that he felt Tactical Knives never gives a "bad product review". I'll decline to comment on this opinion, because to do so after only reading 2 issues would be grossly unfair to the fine folks at Tactical Knives and to the manufacturers whose products are reviewed therein.

All-in all, the magazine was an interesting read, and I did learn from the information put forth by it's publishers. Will I seek out copies of Tactical Knives in the future? Yes. And perhaps when my knowledge base has reached a level with which I can utilize the potential of the magazine more fully, I'll give a more enlightened review of the magazine.

“Belül szívem hibád az örökkévaló erõs vastartalmú sok vasaló és orvosság."

Crushing the weak since 1970 .... the Demon has spoken.

[This message has been edited by Metal-Demon (edited 11-09-2000).]
Any word on getting it in the UK? How about a sub?


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto

Oh how I miss fighting knives that was a great mag. TK is good but bladeforums is the best overall in knife media. you can tdebate any story or review and hear others,

but TK is way better than blade
I checked out the latest Tactical Knives on the shelves here last night (Novemeber I think). It's major expensive here - if I convert to $$ it works out to around $8 .

Anyways, it remains one of my favourite mags. The Nov edition had a really cool article on CRKT knives (one of my favourites) and on the Kershaw Ken Onion Whirlwinds and Blackouts. The Whirlwind is on my list for 2001 and I can get a good price on it, so I was particularly impressed with this magazine.

The only other knife mag I like is BLADE, but there is a lot more articles on custom knives which don't really interest me, although I do read the articles as it never hurts to read up as much on the subject as possible.
TK is my favorite of the three main rags. Chuck Carwan, Jeff Randal, Jerry Van Cook, Anthonly Lombardo, and a couple others do write interesting articles in there. Otherwise, just look at the pictures and try to ignore all those silly exclamation points.
Thanks guys, TK is a good magazine to write for as well as to read. The writers I know are doing their best to give as much solid information as we can about particular blades, and the knife industry in general.

I'm always searching for new article ideas so if there's something you would like to see covered in general terms then don't hesitate to run it past us.


Randall's Adventure & Training
I bought TK a few times when I was living in the Czech Republic. I really enjoyed it.
TK and Steven Dick are a class act -- informative and relevant. Thanks for taking the time to post your impressions.

Click here for Grohmann and Marble's knives.
I mostly read TK now, but I really miss Fighting Knives.

BFC is still the best for up to date info.
I was one of the people who commented on the lack of bad reviews. What, did somebody find one?

I do buy TK when it has models that I'm interested in, and especially like the articles by Jeff Randall, and Ron Hood.

Ha, I just realized that it was Steven Dick's article on the Busse Combat Basics (Sept 2000) that led me to Bladeforums-I was searching for more info on the Busses (and ended up finding this place-and buying a Busse).

So Steven Dick is to blame for all these knives I've bought lately

What's that, six knives in three months

Steven, you owe me about $750

Thanks....I think

Somebody needs to get off their little smiley kick

[This message has been edited by OwenM (edited 11-11-2000).]
TK is the best mag out at this time. I feel fighting knives was the best of the breed. Greg Walker told it like it was.
Anyone know where I can get it in the UK? Any sub info? Thanks.


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto

I hope this info helps you .....

Postal Address:
Harris Publications Inc.
1115 Broadway
New York, NY

Subscription Telephone #: 1-888-8KNIVES

Email Address: tacticalknives@tdn.com

I'm sure that if you use any of the above contacts, you'll be able to get the magazine to you in the UK!

“Belül szívem hibád az örökkévaló erõs vastartalmú sok vasaló és orvosság."

Crushing the weak since 1970 .... the Demon has spoken.
Thanks Metal Demon!


"To strive to seek to find and not to yield"
Ranger motto
Just obeying the orders of ......... The General!:lol

Seriously, no problem at all! I hope you enjoy the magazines.

“Belül szívem hibád az örökkévaló erõs vastartalmú sok vasaló és orvosság."

Crushing the weak since 1970 .... the Demon has spoken.
I met John Larsen, one of the writers for "Tactical Knives" Magazine at the Tacoma, WA Knife-Show yesterday.

Aside from asking me if he could chop-off my arm with a knife that he is doing a write-up on
, he seems to be a down to Earth,
"stand-up" guy, and well represents the quality of the magazine. (And NO, I didn't let him chop-off my arm.).

Dann Fassnacht
Aberdeen, WA
ICQ# 53675663

[This message has been edited by glockman99 (edited 11-12-2000).]
I've only been able to find Blade in a couple knife stores and can't find any other knife magazine, just a bunch of gun mags?!?

Maybe 1SKS could carry some knife magazines!!


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