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Tactical!! There, I said it.

Jul 2, 1999

"Tactical" I want everyone to look it up in the dictionary and read all of it's definations. It's a great word, and I for one am not going to stop using it.

I am upset at the amount of people that are afraid to use a common word because someone dubbed it "dangerous". It is our right to own, and our right to speak of it in it's proper context.

If we all started spreading butter with our tactical folders, and killing people with our butter knives, would they fear the tactical folder or would they fear the butter knife that was doing all of the killing? It is not the word that matters,but the action.

Everyone is trying to tippy toe around, hoping no one will takes away their rights, when it's that timid behavior that gets them taken away in the first place. Why do you think the NRA is such an effective organization? Is it because when someone oposses them they pull their heads into their shells and wish for the best, no it is because they stand loud and proud, and stick up for what they believe in.

If you stop using your rights for fear of them being taken away, havent they been taken away already???


Louis Buccellato

[This message has been edited by TheMartialWay (edited 17 August 1999).]
I pretty much agree with you but my thread on the T-word was more or less meant to rag on wanna-be lay-z-boy recliner warrior types. My dislike of the T-word is from it's overuse in the knife industry not from potential criticism from the sheep.
The Sheep? Do you live in a bunker or something?;-)

Robert Joseph Ansbro

If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed. -Stanley Kubrick, 1928-1999


I am the moderator on the forum "The Balcony" located at Cinematopia, please come support this brand new site
Tactical: Marked by adroitness in maneuvering.

I'm with you TMW. I think Tactical is an excellent word to describe certain knives, various weapons and accessories.
Only when it is used ridiculously does it become annoying (tactical shoelaces etc..)

It sound more "politically correct" than combat knife or fighting knife. I will continue to use it.

"May you live in interesting times"

AKTI - A000389

Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical

I feel better
Now what?

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

[This message has been edited by David Williams (edited 17 August 1999).]
For me, much lie the term "warrior", "tactical" is just over-used and has cheapened the meaning of the word.

Like how the Spice Girls and Backdoor Boys are called "artists".

I could care less if the term scares people who are already afraid of weapons.
Snickersnee: does this mean i have to throw away all of my Bee Gees 8 tracks?
In and of itself, I have absolutely no problem with the word tactical whatsoever. I agree with most above in that it describes certain knives, etc. extremely well. The only problem is that people have seen that the use of the word seems to sell well and now use it on everything.

To use TMW's example, I'm really surprised that somebody hasn't come out with a tactical butter knife. Oh and yes, in this case, if people were using the butter knives instead of tactical folders to kill people, then people would likely be more afraid of the butter knives. But it would probably take longer to kill someone that way...maybe a spoon would be better

Anyhow, I think TMW is right in that we shouldn't tiptoe around using the word. I think people should also realize that tactical isn't the right adjective to use to describe certain objects - like the butter knife in the above example.

Just my $0.02
Kelt, YES YOU MUST BURN THOSE ALBUMS! And a two week fast and 100 hail Mary's too.

If you like the BeeGees I must question your masculanity, whereas you can tell by the way I walk that I'm a ladies' man. No time(or is it "jive") to talk. Too buisy stay'n alive.

Actualy, has anyone ever been killed and/or intentionaly hurt by a "tactical knife"? They're mighty expensive and comparitively hard to come by, so I'd reckon they aren't too popular amongst badguys. Kitchen knives have killed many innocents...

I practice bagua zhang and I actually know two (2!) full sets! So, this is a tactical question and bagua related... "How did you make smiley spin?"

The Fighting Old Man
edited for spelling..!@#$%^&*?

[This message has been edited by Sochin (edited 18 August 1999).]

What's bagua zhang?

As for the spinning smiley... what TMW said

Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

"If we all started spreading butter with our tactical folders, and
killing people with our butter knives, would they fear the tactical
folder or would they fear the butter knife that was doing all of
the killing? It is not the word that matters,but the action."

They would fear whatever their owners tell them to fear. It is the word that matters as far as fears are concerned, and when that word comes through the television and the action is not shown on television.

Every twenty seconds there is a confrontation between an armed US citizen and a criminal, and nearly all the time the armed citizen wins. That's only for guns, and since many more people carry knives than guns, encounters must be much more frequent.

But those encounters are not shown on the television news -- so they're not news. Only the times a criminal uses a gun or knife are shown....

If criminals were to start killing people with butter knives that would not be shown on television, because the owners wouldn't gain anything by making people afraid of butter knives. No one would see it on tv and no one would be afraid.

-Cougar Allen :{)
Don't you folks think even the backlash, the frontlash, the sidelash, and now even the threads surrounding the labels are getting old? As far as I'm concerned, I think we're making to big a deal out of very little. Forget the packaging, let's get to the good stuff inside.

But I'm sure it's just me.


[This message has been edited by SB (edited 18 August 1999).]

This is starting to sound like an AA meeting... *laugh*

I'm secure enough in my masculinity to admit that I like the Bee Gees, too.


AKTI #A000845
And tomorrow when you wake up it will be worse.
Tactical is a fne word with a nice sound.

Unfortunately it has been massively overused in the Knife industry lately and it does have a violent connotation to the non knife masses.

I believe in standing up for and using my rights to carry and use high quality functional knives as cutting tools. I do not believe in needlessly rubbing the non knife public's noses in the self defense potential of those tools by affixing a "Violent Name" to them.

A question for everyone: What do you actually use your "Tactical" knife for most of the time? I suspect that for the vast majority of us our knives are used as tools for utilitarian tasks far more often than they are as weapons.

With rights come responsibilities. I for one believe that as Knife enthusiasts we have a responsibility to portray knives in as positive manner to the non knife enthusiast as possible. I remember when the NRA had a similar position and I feel it was a much stronger organization then.
Well, I agree that we're duty-bound to be responsible and to portray our knives in a responsible manner.

A coworker of mine was deadly afraid of knives. After she and I worked together for a while, and I kept explaining to her the usefulness of my switchblade, as well as using it regularly. After a while, she asked for one herself.

As far as the word "tactical" is concerned, I agree with Snick that it's been well overused. I'm not necessarily advocating that we boycott the word, but I do think we might start boycotting ridiculous items with the word "tactical" tacked on.

'Ugly knives' (tactical) are kind of like 'ugly guns' and should be treated the same. If people start doing stupid things with them expect laws to get passed on some aspect of carry, size, etc., as has already happened in many areas. At a minimum don't do weenie things like flashing tactical knives in an attempt to impress people, and maybe moderate some of the "knive 'em all and let God sort 'em out" fervor that seems to accompany the interest of some in such knives.
How about this for a knife name:

The "Tactical Assault Tec-9"

This should send up a few flags!
I would like to comment but SB stole my thunder.A rose by any other name will still slice the#^%&* out of your fingers if you are careless.

AKTI# A000150