Taking a blacksmithing course

Dec 2, 2001
I'm taking a basic blacksmithing course in March at the local community college. Later this year I hope to start making knives. I'll probably start with stock removal first, and forge later.

Is there anything related to forging knives I should ask the instructor about? Any specific skill I should try to work in through this course that will help me later with making knives?

Thanks for any help.
If you are going to forge your blades, maybe he could help you make some tools. Tongs, cut-off, fullers and the like
Make sure he shows you the difference in forging temperature (by color) between mild steel and high carbon steel. The color you forge mild would be too cold for forging high carbon steel.

Be aware also, that while mild steel is fine to cool off in water as you go, it would be a disaster to do so to high carbon steel.

Your instructor may or may not have ever made a knife. If he hasn't, ask him to introduce you to someone who has. Otherwise ask to make an letter opener. It will teach you the basics of what happens when you stretch one edge of a piece of metal.

The blacksmithing course will be great as far as learning how to properly hold a hammer, and how different hammers move hot metal, and keeping your work square and even.

Taking a basic blacksmith course is one of the best things a bladesmith can do. You will benefit greatly.
For the most part I'd echo the sentiments of ako Knife Lady from above. A basic blacksmithing course will give you a solid foundation in forging and I'd bet that once you start forging blades you won't want to stock remove :)

Good luck and let us know how it goes!
