Tamper proof Torx Drivers

Oct 7, 1998
Some deranged, and unnamed, but not (to be) unpunished custom knife maker assembled a fixed blade with tamper proof Torx fasteners.
He then sold it to me.

These fasteners have six lobes, and a post in the middle, which prevents a standard Torx driver from entering the socket.

Should anyone know where the appropriate drivers might be obtained, I would appreciate the info. TIA Walt
MSC sells a TORX T-15 wrench bit, P/N 67748764. It fits in a driver, P/N 67748608. The bit looks like an ordinary hex shank, so, you may not need the "special" driver. Their Phone # 800-645-7270

By the way, the T-15 is for a 10-32 blade pivit screw-hope this is what you have. Good Luck,

RJ martin



I know at least one of these locations has it as I saw them on the site at one time recently.

Good luck.


"Live Free, or Die"


i have a specialized prod. catalog and I am sur they have tamper proof torx, call them, it may be to limited demand so it is not on the site, no luck, I will look them up for you...

Marion David Poff fka Eye, one can msg me at mdpoff@hotmail.com

Patiently waiting for the Spyderco SpydeRench, Lum Chinese Chopper Folder, Rolling Lock, Benchmade M2 Axis, M2 Axis AFCK, M2 Pinnacle and the REKAT Escalator and Pat Crawford Design.

"The victorious Warrior wins first and then goes to war, while the defeated Warrior goes to war and then seeks to win" Sun-Tzu

Walt they have a huge catalog and their web page only scratches the surface. Call em and ask about the drivers I'm sure they can take care of you. If you get on their list there is a lot of gee-whiz stuff in their cats too. 1-800-866-5353 give it a shot.....jeff
Dr. Welch,
Here's a source for Torx tamper-resistant sockets and driver bits (the catalog is right in front of me as I type) : McMaster Carr Supply Company. Catalog #103 (they're on #105 now) has 1/4" and 3/8" drive sockets on page 2197. Driver bits in a number of sizes are on page 2241. The phone # for various area sales offices are as follows:
LA area branch is (562)692-5911
Cleveland branch is (330)995-5500
Atlanta branch is (404)346-7000
and New Joisey is (908)329-3200
McMaster Carr has a 3000 page "bible" with enough tool and tool supplies that you could damn near build a rocket in your basement. Of course, you'd have to launch it to get it out, but that's another thread.
Good luck, Doc, let us know how things go.

PS. Are these they same fasteners on the new Leatherman Wave? Just curious.
Dang, why didnt I think of that! he he, Walt, if you cant find anything, buy the right size regulae type torx bit and I will stick it in my lathe and bore you a hole in the bit so it will work.

Gentlemen; thank you all for your valuable responses. I will explore all these websites, as I really like to have the right tools to do nearly anything.

It was very generous of all of you to take the time to write to me. I appreciate it.

As it turns out (pun intended), I believe my problem to be solved. The demented knifemaker, after many scathing, humerous remarks on the chat, has finally agreed to send me the appropriate bit. He has either seen the error of his ways, or gotten his meds adjusted. I'll let you all know how it turns out (Groans, whistles, thrown objects from other posters noted).
You sound pissed..:]

Darrel Ralph / Bladesmith
Web www.infinet.com/~browzer
Take a look!!!!
Darrel; how could you say such a thing? I am not angry at all. In fact, I made many humerous but scathing remarks on the chat, in full view of other posters (example: 'The real reason you don't want people taking the scales off your fixed blades is so they wont see "GINSU" stamped on the tang!.). So many remarks, in fact, that I (almost) pity the poor guy. He is sending me a Torx driver bit to fit the screws, and I have found a wealth of new information about exotic tools.

I appreciate the effort you posters expended to enlighten me. If any of you find out how to get a driver for the Leatherman Wave, which is 5 lobed with a post in the center, please post. James Mattis is looking for one.

Thanks again for your help. Walt

PS: Darrel; how is my Talonite folder coming?