Tapered tang in hunter blade.


May 3, 2005
I've never seen a tapered tang in a full tang knife blade before. I recently saw this on a hunter blade. It looks nicer than the standard straight tang (unless of course file worked).

Is this normally done?

I'll attach a picture of a damascus hunter if someone will tell me how to do an attachment.
A lot of maker's make this pretty much a standard feature. Besides decreasing weight it also improves balance. Generally done more on small blades that would benefit from shifting the balance forward and not be harmed by the loss of lateral strength.

What you can't see is that some maker's, in addition to tapering the tang, will also hollow grind the tang to further remove weight and give an additional bedding area for the epoxy to reside. I have seen Nick Wheeler do this.

Once again, there is far more than meets the eye in building a custom knife. Properly done tapered tangs are a beauty to behold and add a real touch of class to a full tang design.
I agree that a tapered tang looks nice, especially with thick stock. Geno Denning tapers his tangs. I also have a full tang knife from P.J. Tomes. It is tapered down to almost nothing at the very end. Looks great.
Thanks for the comments. The knife is very well balanced with slight forward bias. I wish I knew how to add an attachment so you could see it.
I have a Crowell that has a tapered tang.Great in the hand knife. :)