tekna micro knife

Feb 17, 2003
Hello, can anyone tell me where I can purchase a "TEKNA MICRO KNIFE"It was the only sheath retracting knife ever made (dont know why cause it's a good idea), anyway I bought one in either 87,or 88 and I dont know what happened to it. now I know thev'e been discontinued because of that california law,but I dont live there and I would really like to puchase both models that were made,the single and double edge. Iv'e been searching everywhere for the past month and cant find them anywhere. If no one has any recomendations I'll just have to wait for the next gun and knife show.
thanks in advance
I've had one since the mid '80s. The idea of the knife may have been cool at the time, but the manufacture was not good. The specimen I have (lost in the bottom of a box somewhere, I believe) failed before long. The guts are inserted in the rear of the knife, and are supposed to be held in place by plastic tabs that click into slots in the handle (a rectangular tube). Those somehow weakened or stripped, and now the guts will not stay inside the knife. Spring tension pushes them out the way they came in.

It's a pity, but not a greater pity than the stainless Tekna Boot Knife that I lost in a wave while surf-kayaking. :( Can't replace the thing, now.
i dont know but its not the only one. there was a larger knife called black magic that looked like an itallian otf but it was sheath retracting. it was sold from the edge catalog back in the day
axolotls, you just resurrected a thread from 2003 just to say "cool" ?

By the way, what struck you as "cool" about it ? :D
Anybody have a pic? There's no one here, they've been gone for six years. :D :) :p

This is THE INTERNET. All ya gotta do is put "tekna micro knife" into a search engine and voila' --
http://www.donrearic.com/tekna.html -- a whole article on the Tekna knives, complete with pics. :thumbup:
Taken from here: http://www.donrearic.com/main.html



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Tekna. Wow, there's a name from the past. I never had the Micro Knife or the Security Card, but I did have a dive knife in the early 80's, like this one:


I wasn't happy with it. It never really took or held much of an edge. I was greatly disappointed.
Great designs, poor execution: lousy steel.
It was a shame. I had a couple of their products but they didn't cut it. :p
I had a few Tekna knives when I was a kid, that I really liked. I think I have an old thread in the "wanted knives" forum looking for a Tekna Skeleton. I'm still looking for one of those.


The knife at the top there. I had one of those that I lost and spent countless hours searching for. My Dad has had one of the little keychain Teknas on his keychain for at least 20 years.
WOW, I forgot about this thread....I ended up getting one in great shape, put a hair shaving edge on it and now i use it to open mail and packages...its too long for a shirt pocket i find, but an updated version of this with carbon fiber scales, titanium mechanism , and s30v or damascus blade would be a "capital idea....:thumbup:". kinda like the Michrotech ultratech... "very cool knife"
I got the micro and diver knife in the 80’s. I remember thinking the micro was pretty cool and being bummed when I lost it several years later. I still have the dive knife packed away. Its’ been collecting dust for years. If anyone is interested, I can fetch it from the attic.
I have one. You sure don't want to use it to peel fruit or get any juice down the mechanism. It gunks it up in a hurry and takes a good soaking in hot water to loosen it up. Mine was given to me, used, by a woman whose father died and we helped her move. I have no great designs on the knife. I'm not sure that the state of Washington hasn't classified it as an auto!