Tell Bill the Cat I remembered what freaked Pendentive out


Mar 8, 1999
Uncle: Please pass this on to Bill Paxton - we were trying to recall what I said that freaked Dan out. ( We'd been discussing the forum and how you never know who is out there and can't ever assume you're not talking to someone that knows far more than you in some area or other. )

Someone had said something in a thread to the effect of " Welcome to the jungle on acid! " and I responded with something about someone must like Rousseau, which shocked Dan into asking "who are you?" as he didn't think anyone would be into obscure art or something.

#1) I have a Rousseau screen saver of a dozen or so jungle scenes.

#2) I got my mom a large color print of Rousseau's Sleeping Gypsy as it was one of my Mom's favorite paintings along with one by someone I forget called Christina's World.

It's amazing what forumites know.
See the Khukuri screen saver thread that pendentive brought back up.
Like yer new Jung quote in yourr sig line. I also dig him, and I'm a huge believer in the Collective Unconscious.

Neat trivia fact-- Carl Jung and I share a birthday: July 26th.

Whaddaya think about Joseph Campbell? Read him much? Hero with a Thousand Faces? Power of Myth?

Whoever said, 'welcome to the jungle on acid" has my nod....

but if Rousseau is obscure art then a Big Mac is a meal fit for Kings.

I do share the reverence for the amount of knowledge in this forum, Yvsa, Rusty, Beoram, too many to name. Too many.
