Terzuola VS Reeve

Dec 19, 1998
I've decided that it's time for me to get a nice one

I've read about and handled the Sebenza and recently handled a few Terzuola designs.

I was leaning towards a Sebenza but can't get the Terzuolas out of my mind. I'm impressed with the quality of both and can't seem to decide. I'm going to be using it for a daily carry, I would appreciate input from owners of one or both.
Thanks, Mike200
I like Terzuola knives. Like you said, both are great knives, well made, etc. What it comes down to is which one you like better. I don't even give a hoot about the custom/non custom thing thats all the rage elsewhere on this forum. Buy what you like. I have an ATCF, the solid Ti handled no bolster model, and I LOVE it. Fit and finish is flawless. Best ball detent I've seen. I carry it almost every day and USE it. Way I see it is as much as knives are a passion with me, I owe it to myself to carry at least ONE nice knife. I'd feel pretty silly going all my life with thousands of dollars in nice knives and never having used one of them. The Terz is my nice user. There are plenty of them around if something ever happens, and Bob can make another blade or whatever for you if need be. Same applies to CR though. I don't think you could go wrong with either one, but I sure do LOVE my Terz. As a side note, Bob T isn't the most personable maker around. Ask him to make a knife of a steel other than ATS34 and he almost has a coniption. He's been doing what he does for a LONG time and I guess he's earned the right to be set in his ways a bit. But he WILL work with you. If you care about the fluff, Bob T was one of the originals in the tac knife field. He invented the thumb wheel if I remember corerectly, and was the first maker ever to use G10 on a knife. He'll send ya a catalog that tells you about the hsitory of his knives and their marque. That adds a little to owning one I think...jeff
I had a similar experience. I had already put a deposit down for a Terzuola and then spotted a Sebenza when it was time to pay for the Terz in full. I decided to take a look at the Sebenza and ended up getting it instead. If all other things are equal to you, then get the one you like the most.
I personally like the incredible lockup that the Sebenza offers as well as the edge-holding ability of BG-42.
I can't say enough about my Terzuola ATCF with Micarta scales and titanium bolsters. It is absolutely the best folder I have ever handled. And it grows on you. It is made with the precision of a Swiss watch maker and if you ever take one apart, you would be pleasantly surprised! Not only is its construction unlike any other, its structural integrity is unsurpassable.

The blade is beautifully ground and has a very pleasing two tone finish. I don't own a Sebenza, but I have handled them at shows and stores. They too are amazing knives...extremely solid. Perhaps the strongest. But in terms of craftsmanship, few surpass Terzuola.

Terzuola's titanium handled ATCF may be a lighter weight folder than the bolstered model. Depending on how heavy you like your folders keep in mind that Terzuola's ATCFs all have very different tactile characteristics. He makes many variations, many of which I have handled. I decided on the the bolstered model due to its solid feel and unfaltering blade lock up. This particular model is about $100 more than the large Sebenza.

Regardless, you should just check these knives out at the next show before you make a decision. Keep in mind, the knife that feels best in your hand is the one you will always carry and use!

[This message has been edited by Ronald Reagan (edited 18 January 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Ronald Reagan (edited 18 January 1999).]
Two great knives. I have both. The ATCF is a great knife that doesn't get the press it deserves. I would give a slight edge to the ATCF due to its being one of the strongest liner locks around and having a truly terific blade with 5/32nds stock (much more tactical). If you go for the Sebenza, considered a decorated one - it really dresses up the knife. You can't go wrong either way.
As an owner of 2 Terzuolas (G-10 ATCF and the Century Starfighter)and a large Sebenza, I cannot seem to say enough good things about any of those knives. I think Jeff summed it up with what he said about Terzuola - a nicely built working folder. Yes, his ball detents are some of the best I've felt (and I've examined many other of his folders and they all have very positive detents). Bob is a real pioneer in the tactical folder genre and any hardcore tactical folder fanatic's collection is not complete with at least one of his knives.

Reeve's Sebenza is another knife that one cannot live without
Forget the debate over whether his stuff is high end production, semi-custom, or whatever-have-you, all I know is his knives are very well built and built to perform. The Sebenzas have the best blade lock, bar none. These knives also have a very high owner satisfaction. As myself and others can tell you, you cannot go wrong with one of the Sebenzas!

Good luck with your tough decision here

Dexter Ewing
Knife Reviews Moderator

"The keystroke is mightier than the sword"

Thanks for the input guys, I'll be making my final decision shortly...

Thanks again!
I currently own a sebenza and I couldn't be happier with it(unless of course it had a damascus blade) Everything about this knife makes it a pleasure to own and use. My hat is off to Chris Reeve and his staff for putting out such awesome products.
Unfortunately, I have no experience with any Terzuola models, although I hear they are fairly comparable.

Norwegian Misfit

Hi all,

After mulling it over, I've decided on the CR small Sebenza. I picked up the LDC109(Thanks Les) model and find that it is perfect for me. I still love the Terzuolas' but figured I couldn't go wrong with the CR.
Thanks for the input

Terzuola knives also have Bob's attitude behind them. In that I mean it is a no nonsense tactical folder first a utility knife second..
Why are you carrying the knife?
If its all around for ANYTHING, then all things equal let your choice be whatever seems best. Saving it for that tactical response? go with the Big T..better yet..carry BOTH!!!!