
Hey PhilL, that's pretty darn cool.
But, not as Cool as this!
Just fig'd this out, so bear with me. All posts will be deleted upon completion of testing................and thank you.

Er, I thought all posts would be deleted. Seems I can't do that to my own posts, or at least not doing something right.
OK, one more time.........

Got it! Avatar successfully changed.

Admin, feel free to delete my posts as you see fit.

Now back to "edged fun".
Those code knowledgeable can possibly tell what I'm trying to do with my signature....any ideas on what's wrong?
Why do you keep posting on my thread why don't you just start your own?
You can start your own HELP THREAD!
Was just trying to keep the test threads to one so they did not breed (I start another, some other FNG does, and so on). Sorry, didn't know this was a "special" testing thread. Have fun, I'll leave YOUR thread alone.