Richard, don't do it!!!!!
Don't spend $700 on a camera to take GREAT pictures, and let some unstable, cheapo, image-degrading site host your work.
Go to and sign up for free. Yup, FREE!!! If in 30 days you aren't CONVINCED that they offer you the best package for their measly $24 per year fee, then you can bail and go back to the 'Site of the Week' searching. This ain't run like PhotoPoint, and they WILL be around for you next year, etc.
What many don't realize about them is the package that's offered:
250mb storage
PC program for Thumbnail previewing and large slideshow image browser.
This computer browsing software also is for creating albums and distibuting the pictures in them so they make sense. After you like the look, hit the 'Synch' button and it transfer's and arranges it exactly as you wished.
The ability to display (post) any pic (3) ways: original size, 640 width (if larger), thumbnail. Just click what you want and it gives you the size.
Create links to JUST one of your albums or all. You choose.
Upload LARGE images and have them downsized to your specs on the web. You choose.
Stable, always-ready images.
I see us spend hundreds and thousands on our knives and gear, and then afraid to risk a $24 fee. It's the best knife money I've EVER spent.