Texican Boot Knife

Aug 23, 2002
Well they say that everything is bigger in Texas.....(and better too, but I've been there and I'm not sure about that :D Those Rangers sure are big ole boys though!)
Anyway one of my collector customers wanted this 10" Dan Gray aka Graymaker(www.grayknives.com) as a boot knife! Since he's helped keep me in vittles the last few years I wasn't about to argue.


The little flap has a hole in it which fits down over a stud sticking out of the boot top (see the closeup) to keep it in place. I used a Chicago screw with a washer on the outside as the stud so it wouldn't be permanent fixture. This way there is only an 1/8" hole in the boot when he takes the screw out.

After getting that part done, I figured he just might want to pack this on his belt some time, so I designed a frog type hanger for it.

This was one of those real fun projects that took some planning and actually worked the first time! Also it's the first sheath I've got to do in a while as I had a bunch of old west gunleather orders to fill, so it made it that much more enjoyable. Of course the best part was working with one of Dan's great knives. His Bowies are real Sweet!
Very nice ensemble. Cool looking knife and outstanding sheath. I love the tooling work on it.
Now that's one heck of a combo, never would have thought of that for a boot rig. Out standing job Chuck!
Thanks guys. I wracked my brain trying to figure this one out. I think the solution I came up with is pretty elegant in it's simplicity even if I do say so myself. :D

I started doing this kind of simple incised carving (actually it's harder than it looks because every glitch just glares) a while back when I had another good sized expanse of leather and wanted to do something that would look "period" yet not over do it (BTW oak leaf patterns and such are pretty much post 1900). I sas leafing through one of my books on Ky Rifles and noticed the fairly simple C scroll style carving on the earlier rifles and that's what gave me the inspiration. I really like it. Adds some decoration, but not too much. And it lets the color/beauty of the leather show through which more extensive traditional leather carving sometimes covers up.
Chuck that is a great solution! And I second the compliments on your carving. What did you use to do that? All that comes to mind is that V-shaped thing I use for running notches down the fold of a pouch sheath. Yes, I'm all vocabulary today. :D

Thanks Chuck
that is some A$$ kicking work and puts the bowie back
in time right where it belongs.:D :D :D our friend has the last one
now it should be coming to you soon has he called you?:)
oh can I use those pictures on my site Chuck? NICE
Thanks all-Like I said this one was a lot of fun.

The carving is done with a swivel knife. The one I use came from Tandy about 30+ years ago and it wasn't the most deluxe model either. The super-duper ball-bearing models are nice (and a lot more expenzive), but this one works just dandy. I did start using a 1/4" angled ceramic blade that a friend gave me and I really, really like it. It is the SMOOTHEST cutting blade I have ever used. To keep it sharp I just strop it with rouge now and again. Only bad thing is it is fragile, so you have to take great care and not drop it or over stress it.

Dan use any of the pics you like. Our friend sent me a pic of the Praedel and I like that a lot! It's suppossed to be on the way and I'm going to do a beaded sheath on it. I have that other scimitar shaped blade Bowie too and have big plans for it if I can pull it off anyway. Made a couple of false starts, but I think I've got it figured out now.
Talk at you later.
BTW Dan's Bowies are PRIMO!