
Jun 4, 2002
It's Friday the 13th and the moon is full, as Kis would say, "whacherass".:D

Well, the beard's back. But I can't see how you could still be "thumbcutter." Pawcutter, maybe ...:D
Sarge if that is a pic of you before the shave I don,t think they make a kukuri sharp enough ! L:O:L

And its a full moon too . I better treat the old malamute with extra care .
That Hairy headed gent who ran amok in Kent

Beware of him, he'll rip your lungs out Jim;)

(think that's how it goes)

What's the other one he did that was fairly popular. I think it was about Thomas Linton? " Send Lawyers Guns and Khukuris":o " For the Chit has hit the man"
Warren Zevon (sp) rules . I used to play "Roland the hgeadless thompson gunner " To the consternation of many !

He was a man respected by his peers . He really seemed to have a sense of humour . "Lawyers guns and money" could rock my house any day !