Thank-you Buck! SB-1 is awesome...

Sep 23, 1999
Dear Buck Knives family,

thanks soooooo much for making the wonderful SB-1. When these knives first came out, I thought they were stupid, Why would anyone want such a thick, big folder I wondered? But then a year and a half ago I learned that the SB-1 has a lot of things going for it that other tactical folers don't have.

Now, being in graduate school and having spent a while paying for an engagement ring, I had little money for knives for the past few years. And then opportunity struck! Just before Christmas Richard Derespina put an SB-1 he modified on for sale at a great price. I told my fiancee about the deal, and she said that she'd help me pay for it for my birthday. I'd rather have a great wife than a great knife, but a great wife that will help you buy great knives is perfect!

So I am the proud owner of an SB-1. With the SAK in my pocket for fine work, this SB-1 will handle all of the rough and tough work I need it for, and then some.

To be honest, I've never been much of a Buck fan. Several years ago a friend bought one of your classic hunting blades with silver-looking fittings and black handle, and I just never cared for it myself. Not several other Buck knives. But this Strider collaboration has made me a Buck customer. It is clear from this knife that Buck can make a great knife, and I applaud Buck for appealing to a wide customer base. Tomorrow I turn a whopping 25, and this SB-1 has really made this birthday a special one.
Thank you for the great post.

Congratulations on your engagement and wedding. Your wife sounds pretty special. I hope this does not sound patronizing but take really good care of her.

It has been a real education working with Mick and Duane up at Strider. Their experiences give them design insights that we can tap into. The little asjustments that seem insignificant yet turn out to be critical. Handle texture, blade length, edge geometry, thumb stud placement, weight etc...and lets not forget the sheath...

Buck has a very consistent manufacturing machine and once parameters are set they are maintained.

It is a great partnership.

Thanks again for the post.
Crayola, I am very interested in the SB-1 myself. Could I ask you, what modifications did Richard do to the knife? Or, could you post a picture? Not that I would plan to do any, but I'm always curious to what modifications some do.

CJ Buck,

I cannot tell you how excited I am to here your words about me, my knife purchase and my fiancee. This isnternet thing is pretty cool! TO get a personal message from the ehad of a large knife company many miles from me... that's awesome!

loosenook: I can't post pics, but I'll see about RDT maybe posting the pics. I'm not sure if he took the edge off of the scales that you hear so many people talk about, but I assume he did. The edges of the scales don't bte my hands at all!

Richard jeweled the liners, and did a great job of it too. He satin polished the blade (400 grit). 3 finger divots were drilled into the side of the left scale, to facilitate grip change. When I grab the knife in the normal hammer grip, at least one of my fingers always falls into a divot, which is great. Richard also ground the tip a little thinner/pointier and polished it up nice. It appears it goes to a zero edge (no secondary bevel) at the tip.

If you have another knife for the real fine stuff (like a stockman or an SAK), the SB-1 makes for a GREAT hard use folder. I love the line "With a Buck knife, you have options." Well, with my SAK and this SB-1, nothing can stop me!