Thanks for the help........

Jan 3, 2003
A few days ago I stumbled across bladeforums while trying to research a knife that my father gave me for Christmas. What a find
bladeforums has been! I asked for help and was referred the Mr. Levine's Forum and guess what? Yep he had the answer. I have always liked knives and have carried at least a pocket knife everyday for the last 30 years or so.......but I have always just "used" a knife but after the last 4 days I have started appreciating them more.
I have never bought a knife, but after I started looking around the house I may have started collecting and didn't know it. The "old Case" pocketknives that were my grandfathers, the 3 Queens that were his also, the Queen #39 that I got in 74 for making Eagle Scout. The Buck 110 I wanted so badly in 76. My Dad's old Western he had as a boy.......yeah they have a story and now I appreciate them more. Thanks and I look forward to furthering my knife experiences....
Oh by the way the knife I needed info on is a Gerber 525 with Stag
made for "Eddie Bauer". No Gerber markings or serial #'s but certainly a Gerber made in the early 70's. Maybe not a true "Valuable" collectible but priceless to me.............thanks!


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Now you better start worrying about sinking too much cash on more knives! It's inevitable!!! ;):D
welcome Mark
The old Case and Queen knives sound great - and real history to them too. Drop by the traditional forum the guys over there would love to hear about them
Welcome to the forums! We're glad to meet you. Now just put your wallet on the ground and slooowly move away.

There now, that wasn't so bad, huh? Figured you might as well get the painful and expensive part done right away. :D

- Mark

BTW, the painful and expensive part is significantly eased by fondling a beautiful new object of your affection (Knives, boy, we a' talkin knives here!)
If you like to spend your money, no problem!!
Just take a look on my linksite, boy you have a problem!!

Welcome to the world of Knives!

I wanted to say thank you. Your links have given me hours of pleasure and was the reason for a very nice side trip while I was in Indonesia, java Knives is an interesting place.

Thanks again
We gotcha.
The Mighty Vampire Gerbil is locking the door even as we speak...

Yeah I have been hooked, swallowed everything; the line,sinker, the rod and reel! I have really enjoyed searching the guys are really helpful and entertaining. I look forward to being able to check bladeforums for the latest post............and boy do the post keep coming! mark