I thought I would show some of the results of spending a week of hunting with Jerry Hossom. I had the prototype of one of my harpoons sitting around the camp all week and he just couldn't leave it alone. After the trip I sent Jerry the original drawing and he took it from there. I had visions of having a small gig or harpoon to add to my kit for variouos needs. Now thanks to Jerry I'll be able to use it for more. First there is the expected use of a gig for fishing or taking small animals once it is lashed to a pole. But it has turned into a rather nice small blade for chores around the campsite. We've changed the rear end to have a small scraping edge to assist in inletting a notch into the shaft of the pole. Tht way you can have a better method of lashing it together. As you'll see in the bottom example, Jerry is playing with blade shapes so this may evolve into a better tool than expected.