That's it! I'm sick of it! I've had it!


HPIC - Hatas gonna Hate
Staff member
Super Mod
Oct 2, 1998
What am I talking about?
How looks of course.

So, go take a look at any of the HTML pages that make up the "<a href="">rest</a>" of, and let me know what you think.

I may make the forums look like this as well, I'm not sure yet, but for now they will stay as they are. Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah, I'll be following up on the suggestions in the suggestion box soon as well, so look forward to seeing the forums being rearranged soon too.

I look forward to seeing your technical wizardry and artistic rearrangement in action!

Static becomes boring after awhile. Go for it Spark!
The best thing I could see is getting the search back! I know your hands are tied on that one, but it's sorely missed.

Go for it! I get tired of the same thing, although it does make things quick to get around when they aren't changing a lot.

Knowledge without understanding is knowledge wasted.
Understanding without knowledge is a rare gift - but not an impossibility.
For the impossible is always possible through faith. - Bathroom graffiti, gas station, Grey, TN, Dec, 1988

AKTI Member #A000831

Geez, Spark!
And you were mentioning something about the pucker factor a few weeks ago.. lol...

Well, whatever comes up on your mind, I'm sure it'll be a good one.


I don’t know how much you are willing to hack or pay somebody to hack UBB Software but I think a folder setup would be great. I’ve read the description for ver 5.39 and I don’t think this type of feature is included. I tried to visualize what was described for the new forum settings but I couldn’t.

Here is my ideas for arranging the forums in folders: have separate tabs at the top of the page for General, Industry Information, Knife Community, Knife Exchange and The Help Center. When a tab is clicked it would show its respective forums in the window. For example: click on Knife Community tab and you would see Political Arena, Community Center and Knives, News and Your Views with their description headers and links. This would reduce the scrolling

I’ve seen forums with a forum specific faq link in their description header. I liked that idea. It was a great feature that made it easier to find out what that forum was about and what was already discussed without having to search everywhere for that faq.

I would like to see Today’s Active Topics have the same information as the Forums: Topic, Topic Starter, Replies and Last Post.

I saw no mention in the list of new features of being able to edit a member’s name without affecting their number of postings or status. Is there a place I can submit this suggestion?

Hopefully the new version will fix the icon-post interface and allow message icons. I like that feature in other forums. You said you won a design contest for your icons, can we see them?

You said animated gifs for icons would adversely affect the browser, in what way? Is this a bug or just overloading the bandwidth? There are several members, including me, using the animated gifs from and there doesn’t seem to be any bad effects. If there is, I’ll stop.

Although the content here and ease of access to it is more important to me than the look I think there could be better colors to use. I’ve seen some with white on black, or green on black, etc. Maybe a vote on colors.

I think the front page is perfect. Better than others that bury the link to the forum in some hard to find obscure corner of the page.

Just my 2¢

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

As far as the look of Bladeforums goes, I don't really see that there is really all that much that needs to be changed, but it's your call Spark...when you say look at the rest of, do you mean the review pages, etc?

I think David brings up several good points. The tabs at the top of pages would be kinda useful. Biggest thing would be that if you know which forums you're going to be going to, you don't have to go back to the main forum page each time or scroll to the bottom and pick a forum from there.

The forum specific faq would be extremely useful, I think. With as many newbies as there are (and this will only increase), this should greatly reduce the number of repeat questions.

I never even look at the Today's Active Topics list because it's so hard to keep track of as compared to the forums themselves.

Anyhow, just let us know what changes you're planning on implementing

JP Bullivant
Guys, maybe you missed what I said.

I said I changed the REST of, not the software, I may do the software later.

As for animated gifs, too many on the screen at once cause the browser to lockup and crash, especially too many different ones. Plus they are bandwidth drainers.

Anyhow, check out the Reviews, FAQ's, Links, and other areas to see the changes.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
I know you had some problems in the past with the search page, and I guess thats why you got rid of it, but I would really like the search page to be put back on.

I did miss what you said and I did look at your changes. I like the new interface much better than the old one
I would only add a text link back to the front page. It took me awhile to figure out the icon <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>
</A> did that. I don't always use the back button.

It wasn't broke, but it is much better now

"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb

I thought from the Topic Title that you were lowering the boom, or worse yet, throwing in the towel after the recent unpleasantness. DON'T DO THAT TO ME, I'M AN OLD MAN OUT HERE!! GEEZ LOUISE!
Can't wait to see what's up your sleeve.

If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid.

Spark - I didn't miss what you said, I just wasn't sure what you were referring to when you said "rest". Having looked, I like the new interface. One problem I see is that the text in the reviews sometimes run off of the white portion (ex. Dexter's review of the Calypso), and it's somewhat harder to read. Minor problem, but I thought I'd point it out.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look at that. Part of the joy and curses of templates, sometimes one size doesn't fit all.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
Should we stop using the animated GIFS? I don't understand how they work (don't really care, either) but if they are a drain on the system, maybe we should stop using them?

If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid.

No, just use them in moderation. 100 animated gifs in a post are too many, if you get what I mean.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for

Insert witty quip here
I agree with Tuff who agrees with ThomM who agrees with Jumbi who agrees with the house that Jack built. Whoops! Anyway, I like the current look just fine. Gives me this "The Good Ol' BladeForums" feeling.
