The 5 knives you want the most

Nov 9, 2005
i.e., the next 5 knives you will buy, given all goes as planned.

1) Chris Reeve Large Classic Sebenza. I already ordered it, but it is two weeks away. I might cancel the order and get a Large Stars and Strips version instead.

2) Strider SMF. It is pretty much a must-have for my collection. Now that I have a Manix, Skirmish, and SERE2K (with a Sebenza on the way), a Strider is next on the list, and the SMF is *the* Strider, IMO.

3) Benchmade 610 RUKUS. The last big, beefy knife I want for my collection of "super knives". I find it more interesting than the 710.

4) Kershaw Nakamura. After the RUKUS it will be time to expand my collection of gentlemen's folders, and I feel the Nakamura is a perfect example.

5) Spyderco Calypso Jr. ZDP189. A modern classic, and fits into the "gentlemen's folder" category. I know it would be smarter to get this sooner rather than later as it will become harder and harder to get, but the other knives on this list appeal to me more, and I just want them sooner.
The knife I want the most is the one made out of Nannite Steel, with the ability to expand from 2 nches to 20 inches at will and vary in thickness from 1/8 inch to 1/2 inch and of course being Nannite it sharpens itself. It cannot be broken as it just reconstitutes itself. It can create heat to keep you warm as well. :thumbup:

I think I will use this as my sig
I have some Nannite bar stock and I might as well sell it to ya' since it can't be cut or ground.Good price though! :D
Of course it can't be cut or ground -- it has to be willed into shape. What I like best about Nannite blades is that they are only visible to their owner, making them legal to carry anywhere.
Ahh Nannite blades. Truly the holy grail of knives. No machining, just program it to what you want via your mind and there it is.
Currently I'm willing Darrel Ralph to make me a Gunhammer MT with that sweet Damascus inlay he posted on another knife the other day. Other than that knife collecting has lost most of it's luster for me so there's just the one.:o

Strider SNG
Strider BN
Busse Hell Razor
Swamp Rat Ratweiler
Large Sebenza

These are the 5 knives I want the most, I dont know about buying all of them in the near future.
Hmmm, the top knives on my list, OK. Here it goes: CRK Umfaan, CRK small regular Sebbie, Large & small dogs paws Sebbie, and a nightsong Sebbie, and I want a Bloodwood Mnandi. There are so many!! I have a couple on order, so I didn't include them.
I had a list, but now a want one of them new-fangled nanno type blades, Viva La Stealth!
If I can't get that, then I am back to waiting for the new Swamp Rat knives. I will take 5 of them.
In no particular order.
Queen CSB Cattle King
Boker Red Bone Congress
Queen CSB Gunstock Jack
Boker Stockman
Queen CSB Stockman

I'm a slipjoint guy, what can I say?
Hey, I like slipjoints too!! There is nothing wrong with that!! I want to get a Don Morrow custom slippie someday!! In green bone.
There are several I'd love to have but the wife won't let me buy. :(

The Strider SNG for one.

and a Lochsa folder for another.

I really want another Bill Vining custom folder too but she won't let me spend the bucks.

Looks like I'm going to be picking away at the productions in price ranges I can justify to the wifey for 06 but if I have my way I'll have at least one of the three listed above by the end of 06.

If I could afford it I'd love to have an Ernie Emerson custom made folder but they are so out of my league usually that I just don't see it happening. If I'm going to spend that much money it better fire bullets. :D

Scott Cook: Lochsa Folder
Tom Mayo: TNT
Chris Reeve: Small Sebenza
Kevin Wilkins: Ghost Dog Pup
William Henry: Titan B12-FT
STR said:
If I'm going to spend that much money it better fire bullets. :D

STR are right......the most I spent on a knife was $300...that was a Busse....that is about my max limit. However....I just spent about $600 on a glock.....hmmmm........yep, I'll take the Glock, not a $600 knife. My fantasy list is

Chris Reeve
and a few more Busse's

The busse's are within reason......I don't think I will ever get a $400 dollar Sebenza folder...
I won’t list knives that are on order, so here are the five that will hopefully follow them.

Randall #25
Burt Foster Combat utility
Busse FBM
Bill Buxton camp knife
small Classic Sebenza
not in any particular order

Strider: Just to see what everyone is talking about

Sebenza: Again, just to see if the hype is true

Kershaw Boa: I love the design of this knife

One of those gigantic swiss army knives: interesting display piece

Spyderco Para Military: always wanted a spydie
There are so many knives, so many amazing makers!!!! I too want a Kevin Wilkens Ghost Pup.
Can't afford a single one, but these are what I want. :)

1)Large Don Fogg bowie with Hamon.

2)Ron Lake white pearl interframe with full engraving by Steve Lindsay.

3)Tim Hancock large damascus bowie or dagger, this one would do nicely. :)

4)Yoshindo Yoshihara Katana.

5)Osbourne pearl interframe, much like this one. :)