The Axis and Pinnacle

Nov 15, 1998
Super knives. Both a step up for Benchmade in terms of design and execution. The Axis is extremely smooth. Super tight action. Handle very comfort-able (flares to protect fingers). Cuts very well - very slight s-curve. And it super strong. No liner lock to worry about. Sized right at 3.9"

The Pinnacle would be even more dramatic than the Axix except that the Sebenza already exists. But that's actually a good thing since that's primarily what makes the Sebenza so good. And unlike the Sebenza it has a beautiful and highly tactical reverse s-blade. Nice titanium handle slabs. It cuts like butter. And the clip (reversible) is on top where I like it. It's also half the price of a Sebenza. Both should last forever since thye don't have liner locks.
I guess I have to retire my AFCK and Genesis.

Anyone else try either?

