The horror...the horror

Apr 23, 2002
So.... I have been fortunate enough to have picked up two of the GEC 62s with the white imitation ivory scales. One lovingly put away in the knife chest and one lovingly carried in my pocket.
It was developing a lovely patina and made me smile when I used it for anything. Last week, it ran off to join the circus. I have looked high and low to no avail.

I tried to ease my sorrow by throwing my old redbone peanut with its missing shield in my pocket. It had the wicked attitude of a scorned knife, having been carried lovingly and then placed back into a chest with other similarly betrayed blades. (I think they plot when I am not around.) It struck back, splitting my thumbnail it a fit of triumphant spite. I think we will part company.

It looks like I will pull the second 62 out and drop it into my pocket. It is, of course the best way possible to draw the old one back to turn itself in. (And join the drawer of hateful retired users)
So.... I have been fortunate enough to have picked up two of the GEC 62s with the white imitation ivory scales. One lovingly put away in the knife chest and one lovingly carried in my pocket.
It was developing a lovely patina and made me smile when I used it for anything. Last week, it ran off to join the circus. I have looked high and low to no avail.

I tried to ease my sorrow by throwing my old redbone peanut with its missing shield in my pocket. It had the wicked attitude of a scorned knife, having been carried lovingly and then placed back into a chest with other similarly betrayed blades. (I think they plot when I am not around.) It struck back, splitting my thumbnail it a fit of triumphant spite. I think we will part company.

It looks like I will pull the second 62 out and drop it into my pocket. It is, of course the best way possible to draw the old one back to turn itself in. (And join the drawer of hateful retired users)
Losing a knife really stinks. Good luck to you in finding it. I’m sure it will turn up right after you cut into that first apple with the new one.
I think my wife saw this same situation on a Hallmark movie last week, never fear! It will show up when you least expect it, it was going to go to the big city but in the end it decided to stay.

I might be wrong, as I only saw bits and pieces of it as I passed through the living room going to the basement to spend time sharpening and leather sheath work. So I could have it confused with something else entirely…

Did you check the:
Trousers/jeans worn the two days prior to discovering it had gone AWOL
Recliner or sofa/hide-a-bed as applicable. (disassembly may be required)
Washer and Dryer door gasket. Also the dryer's lint trap.
The Cat's Nest, and/or Dogs bed? (cat & dog can develop Magpie tendencies without warning at any age)
Kitchen Cutlery drawer and dishwasher
Refrigerator and freezer
All your home and work desk drawers
Seat runner/slide next to the center console (Roadster/Coupe/Sedan) especially around the inner seatbelt anchor point, and between seat cushion and back rest, under and behind the bucket seats of the car, and bench seat of the pickup
Between seat and door of your vehicle, again giving a close examination of the seat track/runner and seatbelt anchor point, especially if there is an exposed seatbelt retractor.
All sock drawers
All closet floors and corners

Good Luck finding it. 😊
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I once bought a new GEC 71 to replace my lost one, which of course I had hunted for hours and days. A week after my new one arrived, I found the old one on the patio table in plain view. Just after sundown the glow in the dark covers gave it away.

I wish you luck. Loosing a knife feels awful.
I was on vacation in Florida a few years ago, in the dark, in the rain, and we parked the rental car to go into an ice-cream shop. As I got out, closed the door and started to walk across the parking lot, I heard a little "click" noise. 99 times out of 100 I would have kept walking, talking with my wife, but for some reason I turned around and looked down, and there was my pocketknife laying on the wet asphalt. I'm really glad I turned around to look. Turns out I had a small hole in my shorts pocket that it found a way through. Sometimes I think knives are just trying to escape during their entire existence.

Good luck, hope you find yours.
:)I think my wife saw this same situation on a Hallmark movie last week, never fear! It will show up when you least expect it, it was going to go to the big city but in the end it decided to stay.

I might be wrong, as I only saw bits and pieces of it as I passed through the living room going to the basement to spend time sharpening and leather sheath work. So I could have it confused with something else entirely…


Nope, it was Hallmark!! And they always kiss at :58 or :59 near the end of the movie. So just like the happy ending of one of their cards turned-into-a-movie, the knife will show up.
It could be staring you right in the face.....mislaid a knife for weeks only to find it on top of books on a bookshelf. If like me you've got shall we say, a number of knives hanging out all over the place it's easy to not see the wood for the trees 🤩

What you really need to be concerned about is the mutiny, indiscipline and conspiracies in the knife-drawer:eek: Only the sternest measures will bear fruit, threaten to place an old gassy Cell knife amongst them, they'll come to their fickle senses immediately🤣
If you've looked high and low.... it must be in the middle somewhere... 🤪
The bright side (if there is one) is that you had two of them from the get-go. I only have ONE of the unicorn ivory 62's... it's a carry knife as well, in fact, it was the only one of the recent run that I kept. (I had all of them) I like it a lot....

I should probably be alert for another one on the exchange..... just in case. So far, mine has been well behaved, showing no signs of unrest or wanderlust. But, just in case....
Keep the faith! I once came home from deer hunting camp missing a pocket knife. I found the knife a year later when I went to put on the hunting boots. For some reason, I had placed the knife in the boot when packing up and forgot about it.
Keep the faith! I once came home from deer hunting camp missing a pocket knife. I found the knife a year later when I went to put on the hunting boots. For some reason, I had placed the knife in the boot when packing up and forgot about it.
You lost a pocket knife to gain a boot knife, thats just trading lol