The Hunted

There has been a LOT of discussion of this movie in the general forum.

Personally, I enjoyed the movie.The plot was weak. It seems like it had been heavily edited. Del Torros ramblings about chickens was kind of silly and I didn't much care for the anti hunting sentiment.
Still, it was entertaining and had lots of good knife scenes. It's Hollywood. You have to allow for a bit of "artistic license".

On a more personal level I has quite excited about going to see the movie. I am very good friends with Dave Beck. He is the knifesmith that developed and designed the Tracker knife for Tom Brown. He produced it exclusively for about 10 years.The shots of the Tracker that you saw in the movie were Dave's knife. Brown has since contracted with TOPS to mass produce the Tracker for him. Dave is overcoming some legal issues with the knife and should have something to say about it very soon. You can see his website here .

Even with my affinity for the Tracker I couldn't help but to think that Del Torro should really be toting an Ang Kohla or a Gelbu Special!

Actually, I have had it in my head to send a model of the Tracker knife to Birgorka and see if they couldn't forge one. That would be awesome! What do you think Uncle Bill?