The Janawar Katne

Oct 16, 2000
Well guys, I have to say, this thing is's so very, very large...

Anyways, Durba did an incredible job on this one...everything about it is perfectly done, from the Karda and Chakma, to the tooled scabbard (that was alot of tooling the sarki had to do, the scabbard is very large) to the clean lines and curves huge blade itself.

The Janawar is one intense piece...I'm positive that with some practice, it can be swung and maneuvered...I can get it around with a two hand grip and a reverse grip, but not with a typical chopping grip...


I can't wait
hehehhee. WATCH your FEET and TOES!!
And if you swing it straight back over your head WATCH your BUTT!!!!

Read about a guy at a knife show that did that with a curved sword and he stuck the tip in his butt about 1 1/2" deep. He put the sword down and limped away, presumably to go to the emergency room.

To make matters worse he had told the maker that he Knew All About Handling Swords.hehehehehe
Guess he had never handle one quite that long or sharp.



Indin word for lousy hunter.
Post a report when you use the khukuri too!

I have come close to sticking a khukuri in the roof a few times. I did it once when I was 15.

Wow.. now there's a blade that I would definitely like to hear more about.

What do you think, I'm 6'1" and has 3.75" wide palms... big enough to wield one of these behemoths?


<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Yvsa:
hehehhee. WATCH your FEET and TOES!!
And if you swing it straight back over your head WATCH your BUTT!!!!

Read about a guy at a knife show

The version I heard of this was slightly different. Bob Engnath, knifemaker extraordinaire (and good friend of JKM) who died a couple of years ago, had this in his catalog (which is now memorialized at

The fact these blades are a fair copy of an ancient Japanese sword has absolutely no magical effect. In fact, it almost invites accidents when people try things that they should know are wrong. Please, don't let me hear that you've had a serious accident with one of mine.

I had a guy spend some time at my counter one day, explaining how expert he was with the use of the Katana, or Japanese sword. He decided to show me the proper, chopping stroke, using one of my boldly curved, Tachi blades.. The ceiling was high enough, and there wasn't anyone else around, so I said he could demonstrate. This fellow tried an overhead stroke. With a tremendous yell, he swept the blade way back over his head in the backstroke. Then he let out another, different sort of yell. He'd wound up so far on the backstroke that the tip of the blade went about an inch and a half into the top of his right bun. Never did come back to show me how the rest of it went. Moral of the yarn. Anyone can do some Errol Flynn stuff with a button tipped foil, but when you're messing around with two and a half feet of sharp steel, you'd better know where it is, all the time.

Russell Kay
Computerworld Reviews
Framingham, Mass.
NCCA life member
Reminds me of a story I heard once regarding a kickboxing tournament in Hong Kong.

Supposedly in the audience there was a martial artist who got into a dispute with another spectator. The martial artist attempted to throw a roundhouse kick against the spectator and ended up slipping and falling for no apparent reason. A brawl ensued, security stepped in, and that was that.

That's what you get for being fancy sometimes
That's It Russ.
I didn't remember the whole story so just gave the short version.

I have had a lot of laughs from that story!!!!
And ain't it just like a smartass or any other definition of an expert?!?!?

Ex= something that no longer exists.
Spurt= a small drop of water.
Ex-Spurt= a small drop of water that no longer exists.
We win out whichever version of "expert" that's told.



Indin word for lousy hunter.