The M43 is for me!!!!!

Aug 10, 2001
Recieved my M43 today by KUMAR,K.M. 6 pointed star.Boy its sweet:D The handle seems a little short but after swinging it a bit.It feels better holding it higher by the bolster or guard.It's 17 and one half inches long.The pommel seems to be double peaned(?).With a full tang.The silver color is different,gives it a more antique look to it. ;) The edge it a bit rough but that can fixed with sand paper.Ilove it!!!!:) :cool: Thanks Tio Bill.
The M43 is definitely my next khuk, I just have to save up the cash. Hope you enjoy the M43 and waiting for the pics.

I think that the M43 is the best looking of the khuks, especially the Kumar ones. I had one but had to return it, I might have to give the M43 another try though.
Sweet,Working on getting camera in the future.Skeletor, why did u return the M43?:confused: Dewingrm, take u'r time in saving that cash,I did the same thing It's well worth the wait.;)
of text probably takes up way less than half the bytes to put up the picture.

( Sometimes I just can't help myself - mostly because I want to do it more than I want to behave myself. )

Hee hee hee :D :D :D :D