The mail man came today.:

Mar 1, 2002
I was at work with my 18" WWII just a short time after noon when the mail man turned into the driveway. He doesn't do that unless there is a package or something to sign for. I didn't expect him to do that until tomorrow. When he stopped at the gate he pulled out one of those triangle packages we are all familiar with.

I ran to the gate and he handed me the package. Out came the neck knife and zipped open the box. when I got the news paper off of that knife, I almost cried. 18 inches of Sirupati by Kumar that, let me tell you shined brighter than a new dollar.
Convex edge, sharp, and a handle that feels like Rusty's peacemaker. My mail man couldn't keep his eyes from shining. He didn't want to leave but he had half of his route left to deliver.

I took the WWII in the house and went back to work with the new knife. Now I know why I missed the 18 incher. This one is just a bit heavier that the first one I had, Kumar's style. I worked on those fallen limbs for another three hours and had no problems with the new knife. What limbs it couldn't cut it just broke. This handle is so comfortable that I never once felt like I was going to have trouble keeping hold of the knife.

I haven't checked the hardness of the Chakma, and the karda I had to sharpen some this evening but it is good to go now. Every knife that I have by Kumar has a very good handle.

Uncle Bill, HI, and Kumar, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am ready for summer a little early. The 18" Siru. was my original Snake Bayne.
Two Siru's and a Kobra, Yep I'm ready for most anything now. :D :D :D
At this point I'm not sure just what to say about the Siru's. I have the 15", 18" and 20" and use them for a bit different jobs. Perhaps it is all in my head, I know that the 20" is fullly capable of chopping pretty good. I just don't feel like that is the best way for me to go. So, I usually grab the 18" if I'm going out to work the knife.
I have to agree with Sarge about the 15". It is surely a fighter and working knife. It is light and fast, plus will do a lot more work than anyone would think.

The 18" was my first Sirupati and I got so used to it that it was my first snake knife. I should most likely have my head examined for getting that close but I use the 20" Kobra and Siru now. In the summer time I, a lot of the time, carry two knives around here. A long one and a short one. Until I was presented with the 12"AK I carried the 15" Siru and one of the twenty inchers. I still get more done with the 18" Siru. or the 15" AK. Now that I have the WWII's I have given the AK a little break so I can get it cleaned up good and polished up again.

If you can get hold of one like this Kumar knife you will love it. I don't know how but this one balances just 2 1/4" in front of the bolster. That is getting the point of balance about as close to the hand as most any knife that big. Needless to say I'm in love again. What a pair the 12" AK and this thing make. :) :) :D :D
Originally posted by BruiseLeee
I should learn to read more carefully. I thought you were talking about people. :D :eek:

I suspect Pappy has done a little of that too along the way. :D
That was in the days when folks like you and I, and a bunch of others on this forum didn't have much choice. Semper Fi! Gentlemen :cool:
Pappy - it's always pleasing to read your reviews.

'bout the sirp...

I didn't like the 20" one I had. If I go that long, I want some beef on the blade.

[edited to add]

...(waiting for BruiseLee to comment on that one)...
Pen, two inches longer than the 18"; is it that more unwieldy, that much slower?

I'll get the friggin 18" I guess. How tall are you? Pappy, how tall are you?

I do not dislike the 20" knife. I have done a lot of thinking about that and the 20" Kobra. There is something about the wood handles that just do not feel right to me. Bura did a bang-up job on the thing and that is the only problem that I can find. It may be all in my head but the horn handles just feel more durable to me. All I have to do is make sure that they don't dry out. As long as I keep moisturizer one them at least once a week I have had no problems even in the hot dry summer. For some reason I always feel that the wood handles are going to crack and they are not as comfortable to me. I can't keep hold of them as well either.
Originally posted by Pappy
I do not dislike the 20" knife. I have done a lot of thinking about that and the 20" Kobra. There is something about the wood handles that just do not feel right to me. Bura did a bang-up job on the thing and that is the only problem that I can find. It may be all in my head but the horn handles just feel more durable to me. All I have to do is make sure that they don't dry out. As long as I keep moisturizer one them at least once a week I have had no problems even in the hot dry summer. For some reason I always feel that the wood handles are going to crack and they are not as comfortable to me. I can't keep hold of them as well either.

Munk don't get the 18" just because I am having a problem with the one I have. If the two 20" knives I have had horn handles I most likely wouldn't have any problem. I just should have known better than buy knives with wood handles.
Originally posted by munk
Pen, two inches longer than the 18"; is it that more unwieldy, that much slower?


The 20" Sirus aren't really that much heavier or slower than the 18" Sirus depending on what Kami made them.

I have 2 18" Sirus, one Bura and the other by Sher. Bura's feels like air in my hand compared to Shers. My 20" Siru is by Bura and it's not heavy, balance is very good and it's very fast.

It depends on what you are going to do with them really. Are they going to be a weapon or a wood chopper? And it also depends on your personal preference. I can use 18" or 20" just as easy so I lean towards the 20" myself.

It's all about feel, how well the knife is balanced, how it feels to you.

And remember we are only talking about 2" overall lenght here. My 18" Sirus have about 12" blades while the 20" has a 14" blade.

Edited to add:

I like the feel of the horn handles better too.:)
I figured I should extend my explantion on the difference between a wood chopper and a weapon alittle.

We all know that the AK's are great choppers so I don't think we will have any difference in opinion here. But they don't make great weapons because of their weight and balance. They are very blade heavy to help in the chopping, tool role.

For a fighting knife you want more of a even balance, still tip heavy, but not as much as the AK's.

Thats why the Sirus, GS's, and Kobras make good weapons along with the WWII and the BAS.

With more of a neautral balance we get speed and ease of movement, changing directions in the air for a fighting Khuk.

With all that it really comes down to what you like and your size, strengh, how big you are, etc. Everyone is different, even say two 6' 4" men of the same weight.
Originally posted by munk
Pen, two inches longer than the 18"; is it that more unwieldy, that much slower? I'll get the friggin 18" I guess. How tall are you?
The difference in weight (for me, anyway) made it unwieldy enough to be removed from both the (quick) weapon and the chopper categories. This was an entirely personal decision and is probably not "across the board".

In my eyes it's too long to be a quick self-defense piece, but not long enough to be a sword.

[forgot to add]

I'm 6' even.

However, I have a 6'-7" wingspan. That may have more to do with why I care so much what's attached to my hand way out yonder...

...excuse me while I wash my knuckles draggin on the ground...:rolleyes:

I'm 5'11", and large dress shirts have hopelessly short sleeves. my own arms are long, but my Dad's a full two inches longer...
