The mail man was pissed off...

Ivan Campos

Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Apr 4, 1999
It was about 19:20 over here - in fact, I had just send Bill a message - when the mail man showed up with a slim box. He was working some extra hours today and wasn't happy at all. But I was really glad not to have to wait until tomorrow to get my 12" Sirupati.
Doubtlessly, it is the best khukuri I have ever owned - and low quality was the reason ihave never bothered to keep any of the others - and I am even more hooked on this khukuri thing now.
Blade and karda come a little blunt, but that can be worked out later.
Have to leave now to appreciate my new baby.

Ivan Campos
Full-time knifemaker...finally!
Don't know about our time zones down there, but 19:20 is almost dark, here. My mailman won't come _near_ my house after dark.

You're gonna love the little Sirupati more each day. It will cause you to need more and larger Khuks. In order not to suffer anticipation pangs, I jumped straight to a 25". Now all I have to do is go back and fill in the gap.
Some knife manufacturers use a single barbed hook and it's sometimes easy to get off the line by throwing the hook, but H.I. & Uncle Bill uses a real sharp treble hook baited with wonderful smelling food and we're like a bunch of catfish headed for the fryin'


Indin word for lousy hunter.

I know most of you have seen a ton of these before, but since scans are free, here it is, along with a wide bladed 17" custom for comparison.


Incredibly light and quick for a khukuri - I can only wonder how a 20" or a Kobra should behave.
Can you tell me who made this knife, Uncle Bill? I tried to identify the sign using the list in the FAQ but was not successful. The closer is a half moon, but I am not sure.
And please can anyone tell me how I remove it from my hand?
Also, it was nice to find this knife wrapped in the Reno Gazette - other Brazilian knifemakers laugh at me because I ship my knives wrapped in the "Progresso de Tatuí".

Ivan Campos
Full-time knifemaker...finally!
Ivan, the Cresent moon is Bura, he makes a great blade! Unfoftunetly human skin grows together with buff horn! Looks like you'll just have to learn to live with your new hand!!!! Have fun!

Chris B.
I tried shed some light on this mystery symbol. I took it into Microsoft Photo Editor, I'm at work and that's all we have here.
I tried rotating the pic, and resizing to zoom in. Unfortunately, it came out very pixilated. I'll try it again when i get home, I have a better program than that pos. It does not look like the butterlamp though. But, I could be wrong. I haven't seen Bura's crescent moon, so I can't say if it's a perfect match either.

I don't have any khuk's by the kami with no name but that sure looks like a butter lamp to me.
Bura's mark is pretty hard to get confused with any of the others.
Actually any of them are since they're all different enough to prevent any confusion.

And I would Love to See a full scan of the custom khuk!!!!
That's one pretty stag handle from what I can see and I like that small brass guard as well.


Indin word for lousy hunter.

[This message has been edited by Yvsa (edited 04-20-2001).]
Well, I have never seen a butter lamp before. I don't even eat butter...
Thanks for solving the mistery, Yvsa, even though not knowing the name and knowing that the maker has no name looks somewhat similar...
Regarding a pic of that khukuri - if these customs interpretations can be called so - I'll put it here if Uncle Bill allows or in the apropriate forum, if not.

Ivan Campos
Full-time knifemaker...finally!
Here it is, with Uncle Bill's permission:


It was made by Cutelaria Korth (the Lála Brothers) in Presdente Prudente, SP.
It has a 12" 440C mirror polished flat ground blade, a stag two piece handle and a brass guard and small but cap in the center of the stag crown.
It's sheath is made of heavy leather, breakfront style.
It is large and nice, but far from even trying to folow the traditional shape.
This one is # 2300 - they number all their knives in sequence.
Hepo you like it.

Ivan Campos
Full-time knifemaker...finally!
Ivan I Love it!!!!!!!

Those guys have some Real Talent in the fact that they were able to put a flat grind on a large curved blade and make it look that beautiful!!!!
Very Well Done!!!!

And the shape, I think, is very traditional.
The only things I see different is the flat grind and what appears to be a fuller where the Sword of Shiva is placed.
It even has a cho which most knifemakers don't put on their khukuris.

Lovely blade and one I Would Be Real Proud to have!!!!

How does it chop with the flat ground blade?
Most people that have khuk's with that grind say they hang up really bad in the material being worked on.

I still have one of Cold Steel's little LTC's which is made from stock about 1/8" or so thick and it's more ike a bent machette than it is a khukuri, but it works really well on softer, thinner
We have a weed here that can grow up to about 12 feet high and as much as 2" in diameter and it works really well on it.
I had to let the easement behind our house go for over a year because I couldn't work on it due to back surgery and recovery and when I fnally got to it it was over grown with said weeds.
It took me a week and more to get those dayumed weeds cut down.
The soil in the easement is excellent for growing plants of all kinds.
It gets all the soil washed down from the neighborhood and is nice sandy loam with, no doubt, some fertilizer washed down with it as well.


Indin word for lousy hunter.