"The Matador" knife! (Pierce Brosnan movie)

Walking Man

May 28, 2003
Overall, the movie was pretty good, but I was really impressed to see that he was carrying a ladder pattern William Henry knife with a MOP handle.
It must have been one of the old style ones, since there appeared to be no laminate on the blade. I'd never actually heard of this movie until I rented it, but I am glad that I did. I'd give a B-, or "a worthy effort" or maybe just plain "rentable, but not worth $8.00 at the theater"
haha, weird, but a good movie anyways. I thought the choice of knife was pretty cool and Julian was hillarious in an odd sort of way...
One of my favorite movies. Watching right now and thought I would look up the knife. Found this thread.
Wow, old thread, banned troll.

Anyway, he used 2 William Henrys. One the "westcliffe" modified wharncliffe with MOP handles, damascus blade, and mokume gane bolsters. Probably a few thousand, if not several thousand dollars. he other a more plain one that you don't get a good look at. WH got a "Special Thanks" credit or the like.

There's some good pics in this thread.
