The move has started!


Part time Leather Bender/Sheath maker
Jul 9, 2000
Just wanted to let you guys know that we have started moving. Actually my mom and I made 3 trips last night. Got most of the bathroom and 75% of the kitchen moved over along with some other stuff. My mom will be in meetings all day so I will be moving stuff over alone, or packing boxes.

Tomorrow the main moving starts when people show up to help. I will be calling the phone company after I take a load over and having them trancefer our service to the new place. Because of this, I might not be online for the next few days, but will try to get things going over there as soon as the switch is made.

And if anyone wonders, Yes I am packing:p not a Khukuri, (those are safely hidden in my apartment) but I am wearing my Kershaw Echo. It is a nice little hunting knife. It is light enough on my belt that I hardly notice it and neither do other people. Wish I had my Durba Dagger or a Kumar Karda but, those are also safely hidden at the apartment.;)

Well, have a good day all, I'm off to take another load over then call the Phone Company.

Good Luck, Heber!
I hate to move as it is, but moving everything out of a house has got to be one of the worst chores. I helped my mom move about 4 years ago and that was NO fun:( I'm dreading having to pack up 2 years of accumulated junk in this apt in May and am NOT looking forward to it. I'm even leaving the couch and kitchen table at the curb. Hope the move goes well, and if we weren't 7 or 8 states apart i would give you all a hand:)
Take care!

Originally posted by Bill Martino
You lucky Dog. Some guys get to have all the fun.

LOL:p This is my 3rd move in a year.:barf: I'm sick of moving now.

Luckily my friend Darlene came down with my sister and helped us move, and spend the weekend with us. Talk about a fun time. he he he:D

BTW I'm back and need another Spring Break.