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The neck knife everyone wants..

Dec 25, 2002
I was just wondering (directed at Eric) about the handle for this neck knife that's been talked about on Rat Chat, Most people want RC for the handle, but it's got to be quite slim really hasn't it otherwise it might aswell be a belt sheath knife.

Why not use a skeletonized design structure but don't make the holes through the handle go all the way through, like a 3rd of the way each side. That way you have recessed sections on each side (maybe with a few small holes in each section that go all the way through). Then inject RC into each recess and you have a grip on each side which only portrudes slightly.

If this isn't enough you could recess sections around the edge of the handle to inject RC in there too, and round of the edges before this so they aren't at a 90 degree angle in the palm.

It'd be like sticking bits of grip onto a solid flat handle only far more stable. The only thing is it might take quite a while to do, which would make it expensive. But it'd make it grippy, slim, fairly light, and still strong.

Actually, re-reading what I've typed, it all seems a bit fiddly and not really the simplistic design that seems to be the Swamp Rat trend. Nevermind though. I'll leave it for you all to read.
Very interesting ideas, I appreciate the input.

You might be correct though, that it will be time consuming which will probably make it more expensive than most neck knives.

Keep the ideas coming, they are good.
Another thing I would suggest is that many people seem to prefer the "natural" grip or hammer fist, whether this is more for SD or general work I'm not sure, but one improtant thing which most skeletonized neck knives that I have seen have in common is that they taper of towards the back end.

This is probably (as in the case of my WM1) so that the handle doesn't have to be long enough to fit the full hand. If it were upto me I'd keep the same side profile that the HR and BC already have, just try and flaten it a bit. To make up the circumference, maybe the handle could be made wider from the side view.

IMO the handle should not be much more than 4" and the blade between 2.5"-3". The curve of the blade is something else to consider. I'd like to see a slightly straighter edge than my WM1 because for slicing in mid air as apposed to on a surface, the blade angles to much towards the tip. So I'd rather have more of a BC edge than the HR edge on something with a blade this short. Thinking about it, maybe it should be a drop point not a clip point like the others.

Just what I'd like to see in a neck knife. Sorry to keep going on about my WM1 but that's all I've got for reference.
I would like to see a small recurve in the necker and also like to see it skeletonised and of course clip point...

I have used that 'Truck Deck' paint and it works quite well (On a skele handle too!).

Kydex sheath with belt 'clip' for tuck in the pants carry. Sizes mentioned are fine and oh yeah, 3/16"...


Slightly Ergo handle, I have a pic, want me to post it Eric or would that be very wude?
have not heard from Eric, so....here is my necker I drew years ago...

yes yes yes, I have loved recurves since a boy!

What about something like this rat majestics?

What do you all think?

get the photocopier out man!

The sky is the limit!

You really like it or are you taking the p!ss out of me?

a) I am chuffed if you like it.
b) If you are taking the p!ss out of me, "no secret present to be sent to Eric this week Leatherman!;)"
Gundy, what kind of necks do you guys grow down there, I would just as soon hang my BM from mine! Nice looking knife though! I am too a lover of recurves.

Gundy if you want to design a rat to hang around your neck, i would start with your knife: cut the blade down to 3 to 3.25in, and soften the recurve so jerry himself doesnt have to grind them. Then take your handle design and overlay the handle from the HR or coot, and blend the two. but make the handle wider than the HR handle since it is not as thick. The best place to put holes i have found is use them to aid in grip. Take a thin knife and put it into sabre grip, then place your middle, ring, and little finger on to the center line of the handle, the tips of your fingers pushing right into the handle. Put the holes in the handle right at those points where your fingers meet the handle. but make them rather small so your fingers dont go through, and bevel them for extra grip, and the hole for the ring finger can typically be used to change the knife from sabre to reverse grip. Also with smaller handle sizes found on neck knives it is nice to round the butt of the handle so it will fit into your palm. Plus you might want to give it a bit of a Busseish looking guard.

But yours is still pretty sweet!

Eric, just make sure we dont get a 3 finger knife!
I guess I had the "3 finger" comment coming...:D

I like neck knives to be 'loose' in the hand, as I usually use them for light jobs during EDC, gutting trout etc and do not like them to pass any further than my little finger when hand is closed, 'palmed' so to speak.. I often find that I use the first portion of the blade too in most cases so I peronally like the shorter handles.

I would just like to add that this is my own design and not Jerry's or other! Jerry and the gang would no doubt already have a design on the boards and it would probably sh!t all over this one...

I have a million drawings, bowies, neckers etc but this is one I put my hand on first. I have always liked it.

I am guessing that the Busse AS is not your size of necker LK? If you can hang a BM from yer neck, you must be a big lad!!!:eek:

Hence, I withdraw from this conversation for fear of being stomped...:D ;)
Gundy i find your design to be excellent for certain, what would be the size? From looking at the pic the best i could guess was 3.5-4in blade with the same length on the handle, what did you have i mind? (and no i dont really hang a BM from my neck it would probably break) What kind of neckers do you own and like, and what are you cutting with them?

How about a Skele Busse Active duty dressed for the swamp? Maybe kill a quarter inch off the blade length.
Hey! Nice idea about the skele AD man!

The drawn version is an 80/90mm mix for blade/handle. In refreshing my head with this one, i would widen the back end so as to fill the palm a little better and probably add some 'checkering' for thumb notching. In thinking, probably put a larger hole at the front to act as a thumb/forfinger guide, similar to ANSO knives, a good idea in my book.

but, there is no way you would get me to lose the recurve man!!!:cool:

Possibilties are endless really. Tanto, chisel grinds, utility grinds etc etc, but the above knife with a slightly swelled handle at the rear and repositioned holes would be sweet!

Hey, I will make one!!!!
I quite like that Gundy, I did a sketch too but I can't post mine because I don't have a scanner. You guys probably wouldn't like it though, it's more handle than blade.

Hey, is that......nah forget it, depends on the size of screen you have. On my screen the handle looks to be 3.5" and the blade 3", so it kinda seems life size.
If you want a Quick easy grip. Just gank this idea from this old case throwing knife. Go down to Ace hardware with your blade and find the apprapo sized wire protector grommets. They are tough, oil resistant, removeable , washable and they come in different grades of hardness from soft and grippy to hard nylon like.

Okay, so I've done a sketch on the Paint application on my PC, and it looks quite like my drawing. I don't know what you guys will think of it. I can't post it myself though because I don't know how. If anyone wants a look I can email it to yah.:)
keep following the directions. you have to convert them to gif. the first time you paste and click ok here a blue http:// will come up. back space it and paste again. I dont know why it works that way.