The neck knife thing...

Jan 17, 1999
JMO... This neck knife thing is a bit retarded. I can't think of a worse and harder to access place (discounting some sort of anal sheath...) to put a knife. If you want one for defense, I would have to say this ain't the place to keep it. If you want one for utility, I will argue the same. If it is some sort of stealth thing and you want a place to hide a knife, then maybe it has some merit but any competent frisk would turn it up. I can only come up with the following

  • because a person has run out of pockets and they have no belt
  • a professional/or part time streaker who runs through bad neighborhoods and needs some sort of protection...

What is the attraction of the neck knife or is it a passing fad like the pet rock...

Bleating and babbling, they fell on his neck with a scream. Wave upon wave of demented avengers March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.

-Sheep (Pink Floyd)
If your wearing shorts and a T shirt...
It is not a bad option. It can actually be deployed just as fast as a AFCK from the pocket.
That makes it a consideration.
The Rekat Utility does good service.

I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some
moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away!

[This message has been edited by Ogre (edited 11 August 1999).]
I would have to agree with you man. I don't want chute cord around my neck that can hold 500 some pounds. I mean, someone could choke me(not likely, i don't have people that hate me) or i could be running and catch it on something. I have two neck knives, I usually tie them on my belt loop with a larks head knot and put the knife in my back pocket blade down. When i have worn a neck knife on my neck it was when i was out in the back yard tanning hides. There i was wearing rain pants pulled way up to keep the lime and other hide juice off. With it hanging around my neck it was easy to get.
you are very right.....thanks for bringing it up
I find there to be two main uses to neck knives:
1) Utility
2) Defense
The utility function is well-served, actually, by the neck sheath. No one said you have to wear it under clothing, especially when doing yardwork or other stuff like that.
When I am carrying a neck knife to feel more secure or whatever I tend to wear it with a long length of cord so that the end of the knife isn't too far above my belt. It can be deployed fast and easy that way.

My Custom Kydex Sheath page
Palmer College of Chiropractic
On Two Wheels
I think the neck knife is a good option especially for police officers and the like. With all the equipment on the duty rig there does not leave alot of room for a knife on there to be accessible and cofortable. I carry my A.F.C.K. in my rear right pocket and my Hatin T.E.C. neck knife. If for any reason I need the neck knife it can be deployed just as fast.


Sorry , double post!


[This message has been edited by jacko (edited 11 August 1999).]
Mors Kochanski, author of Northern Bush Craft and a reknowned Canadian survival instructor (northern boreal forests, -40 F. conditions) advocates neck carry in a deep sheath (usually tucked into a jacket front) so you're constantly aware of its presence. You do not want to lose track of your knife when you're depending on it to beat sub-Arctic temperatures. Neck carry isn't bad for jogging, either, under a sweatshirt.
If you don't want paracord, get a breakaway chain. I've been frisked a number of times with a neck knife on and never once had it found.

The neck knife, when practiced, is as fast as your pocket clip folder. Check out Ray Ellingsen's videos on the use of a neck knife and you will see just how fast a neck knife is. Doesn't matter if the shirt is tucked or not. - Jeff
I gotta make my comments.....Personal experience has the SOB sheath as the worst place for a knife. This is even more extremely limited than a neck knife.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
I like muine for running, since its not very practial to carry anything else. It is great for this, and I carry it while working outsde for utility.

Just because I talk to myself doesn't mean I'm crazy. What's wrong with getting a second opinion?
It never occurred to me that my wearing neck knives would be so upsetting to a fellow forumite. I'm getting rid of all of mine today.

"To grow older is inevitable.To grow UP is optional."
I was making neck knives over 5 years ago while attending a knife show in San Jose Ca I was asked "what is that around your neck?"

I agree a neck carry isn't for everyone just for those who... carry groceries to the car... climb up a tree... wade into a stream... any application where you need a handy knife and have your hands busy or are not wearing a belt or don't want the knife to fall out of your pocket.

I make a multicarry system where not only do you get a neck cord but a clip for left, right or horiz or vertical carry.

I have used neck chains and para cord and have found that the chain not only is LOUD!! but it pinches the hair on your neck. I suggest a para cord and a breakaway thread for a choaking safty feature. The thinner cotton thread will break before the windpipe.

I say... try a neck knife... you'll find with all carry options you will be carrying the small knife around your neck before using any other option.

A handy fixed blade is far stronger and quicker to use than any folder!!
I was making neck knives over 5 years ago while attending a knife show in San Jose Ca I was asked "what is that around your neck?"

I agree a neck carry isn't for everyone just for those who... carry groceries to the car... climb up a tree... wade into a stream... any application where you need a handy knife and have your hands busy or are not wearing a belt or don't want the knife to fall out of your pocket.

I make a multicarry system where not only do you get a neck cord but a clip for left, right or horiz or vertical carry.

I have used neck chains and para cord and have found that the chain not only is LOUD!! but it pinches the hair on your neck. I suggest a para cord and a breakaway thread for a choaking safty feature. The thinner cotton thread will break before the windpipe.

I say... try a neck knife... you'll find with all carry options you will be carrying the small knife around your neck before using any other option.

A handy fixed blade is far stronger and quicker to use than any folder!!
Like it or not, the neck carry option has been around on and off throughout knife history. It has it's advantages, and that in and of itself will keep this carry option popping up time and again. If you find it disagreeable, there are other ways to carry the neck knife. Loop the chain around your belt a few times and use it as a dangler. Use it as an inside the pant carry knife. You don't have to steer clear of a good small knife just because it has the label of "Neck Knife".

The choices we make dictates the life we lead.
