The Opinel turkey butcher.

Oct 2, 2004
So this year I used an Opinel large bubinga wood fillet knife to do the turkey. I've had a slight suspicion for a while it would do nicely, as I like to fillet the breast halves off the bird so as to slice them neatly on a cutting board. The thin flexable blade slid right down along the big bone not leaving enough meat to interest a good size mouse. It did well on the dark meat too, getting into all the nooks and crannies for meat. Once on the board, it sliced nice thin slices. I guess it will join my other Opinel in the kitchen drawer. They do slice sooo great.

With that, may I take this moment to wish all of you a happy Thanksgiving. Be careful out there, if you are traveling, and stay safe. We have a great deal to be thankful for.

Carl, a very Happy Thanksgiving to you and all other forumites too!

Opinels are great slicers. I don’t have an Opinel effilet, but have quite a few other models.
After your endorsement, maybe the company should rename that specific model as the “Thanksgiving turkey special”.
I am pretty sure it is a better turkey carver than most of the dedicated turkey carver knives sold nowadays.
My turkey and pie are done and gone. Now, guys, I'm lifting a Jim Beam and ice in your general direction, one and all. Happy Thanksgiving, no matter where you are.

-- Mark
Happy Thanksgiving to you Carl and to everyone else as well.

I spent a little extra time this morning sharpening the kitchen knives in preparation for today. Nothing traditional or old. Just my favorite three Henkles. Someone has to use the newer stuff. Maybe one day my grand kids will treasure the "Old German knives grandpa and grandma used". ;)
I've been using this Case knife to carve the holiday turkeys for over a decade. It's become a tradition.

Happy Thanksgiving to all you knifenuts!
No turkey and no holiday for me today, still I want to wish all of you a nice Thanksgiving.
I happened to spend it in NYC two years ago, and realized how much most Americans feel the importance of this day.
I wouldn't choose turkey as a "national meal" for any holiday, but that's just me :D and if it has to be turkey, then why not slice it with an Opinel? :rolleyes:
Enjoy your holiday guys :)

Happy Thanksgiving to all. We're about to dig into our bird, up here in San Bruno. The pecan pie was smelling delicious as it baked earlier, as well. This guy is getting hungry, and been toying with the idea of picking up an Opinel sooner or later.
I used the Hamilton Beach electric but now I'm kicking myself because I've got am Old Hickory folding fillet in the kitchen drawer I should have used. Same reason - I slip the breasts off the bone and put them on a platter. No one in the family is a dedicated leg person so they get lifted off and out and set aside for after the meal. There is enough dark meat from the thighs and upper wing to put on the platter for anyone who wants it. After everyone has had their fill I'll take the meat off the drumsticks and save it for sandwiches and soup.

Happy Thanksgiving one and all!
Thanks Carl for the tradition of the stories.

Went to inlaws small ranch house for TG. A dozen women, nine men,kids - way too many for me to deal with. I stayed out on the car port, sat in the sun at a small metal table and sharpened everyones pocket knife and a couple of kitchen knives. Was about the third year so now everyone, including women, bring knives and it has started as a tradition. Some of the blades are rough...... A tradition that goes along with almost everyone going down to the big pond and shooting clay pigeons about an hour after dinner. Usually about four and a half cases worth. The welder in the family made a special, wheeled two armed thrower. This year there was a single barrel .410 and all the kids got to shoot it, including the girls.

'stand beside us, and guide us" I am Thankful I live in America, and wish everyone else had something in their country that at least seems to work as well. And blessings to all the good people here.
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Belated Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Still tyring to recover from the food and the Cowboys doing there best not to win! I just found my #6 the other day and I'm so glade to have it back!