The Park

Mar 22, 2002
There was a Park nearby where I grew up. Some of you may even recall it; it had a real log fort in the center. This was in Anaheim, California. They probably called it, "Pioneer Park", but we knew it as the Park.

I got drunk for the first time in that Park. And threw up. Lot's of people did. In the 60's there wasn't the emphasis on crime there is today, and you could walk around the Park after dark without being arrested. That's right- IN California if you're not in the right place you will be arrested. The Park had it's own pervert, Nick,and everyone knew it. He liked little boys, but would not assault anyone. He used to buy booze for the underage kids.

There were gangs that hung out in the Park, but not like today. You wouldn't get knifed or shot. And families would barbecue, and Little League happened there every year, and kites, and bands rarely, and ...all that stuff. I think a lot of people lost their virginity in that park, but I never did. I did kiss a Lesbian there once, but that hardly counts for anything, and might even be to my detriment on the Cool Scale.

A Park is a place you have a bench where you usually sit, maybe near the checker players in the summer. Parks N Recreation set it up every year. Then someone would sit in your spot, an old fart, someone who was not supposed to be there at that time and at that place, but there he was; farting on your seat.

The toilets got blown up with cherry bombs when I was a kid, and later, when I was a teenager, I blew them up with cherry bombs, wanting to see if the Cherry bomb and porcelain toilet was just a myth. It wasn't, and a whole lot of water came out too.

A park is a place where you go when you can't get out- there's no where to go in the City, you're trapped and you know it. You're sentenced. It's not the Wilderness where one can be free, but it's nice. You outgrow it, it's boring, it's aggravating, it's no good, and sometimes you come back and sometimes you never do.

The Cantina is like Pioneer Park. We don't know it, but someday places like the Cantina will be thought of with nostalgia, as a meeting place where you weren't quite free, but it was the next best thing, and you met friends for life there. The Net will bring us wonders we haven't guessed yet. I think entire borderless, international communities some day. And this place that Bill built and Rusty made comfortable, is one of the first. We'll look back as if it were in our boyhood, a long time ago, hazy with Summer and the yells of kids playing ball, and we'll wonder where all the time went, and why life can't be like that every time and everywhere.

Never kissed a lesbian, but I once had a bi-sexual girl, um, err, uh, add to my education. :o :D

Nice post.

And I think you're dead on about that--except that I hope we won't have to look back at it in the past tense, and instead it will still be here, or somewhere, but still exist nonetheless.

Maybe that's what you meant, now that I think about it again. It could still be here and we would still look back at it with nostalgia, because that's what people have always done and will probably always do.
I'm not predicting the Cantina's demise, Rob, only that this time will be looked back on with affection. I also think the more wearing aspects are part of it, that's what you get.

In the Park,
You'd think it was
the 4th of July.............

There's a Kurpark, in a German city, Wiesbaden, it's alot the same for me.

Lots went on there, and nothing at all.
There were times it was where you HAD to be.
ANd the memories, the dreams, man oh man, here they come....

I never got drunk in our local park, because I never even drunk a beer till I was in college, but it was the first place I ever got stoned.

Across the road from the park was a path up the hill to The Devils Tea Table which was a big rock formation with caves. In the summer we'd get water and pack sandwiches and go up there and get stoned and explore the caves and just generally hang out and laugh.

At the park below I had a weird experience. This was after I was in college and was back home for vacation. We had been setting in a car and all got out to pee after getting buzzed. There was a sign that said


My friends were leery about stopping but in my stoned state I read it:


"Hey Guys! We aren't fishing so we're ok" I said.

So we are peeing, and the cops pull in, I am totally not worried, they turn around and leave.

The next week my neighbor was parked there with her boyfriend, not having sex or anything just kissing, the cops stoped, took them to City Hall and charged them with trespassing!!

Chance? Or the power of belief??? All I know is when I'm stoned I apparently have no sense of punctuation.
I'm not predicting the Cantina's demise, Rob, only that this time will be looked back on with affection.

I got that once I sat back and thought about what you'd written---sometimes the urge to engage fingers and begin typing before thinking wins out:o (that's why I added my second paragraph after the fact)
I never spent any time in a park really. I grew up on a very small island. We played and then later "hung out" on the beach when it was warm, and in our cars when it wasn't.

Lots of drinking to escape the boredom (or at least that's how we saw it then). Now rich folks spend millions to move out there and build their immense houses to "get away from it all"

I bet they have kids who can't wait to leave....

"and that old wheel, is gonna turn around once more..." (from a Johnny Cash/Waylan Jennings(sp?) duo)

I do look back on certain parts of my time on "the rock" with affection however, but not too many.
Rob, a lot of the time, whatever you get out of the story is what is supposed to be there. I'm in the audience too.

munk, you're on a roll. Another good one.

The Park. The Path. Dead Man's Hill. Sleeping Giant.

Though they are gone, there are many such places still inside us.

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