The Strong National Museum of Play

Gary W. Graley

“Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Mar 2, 1999
My wife and I drove up to Rochester to visit our youngest daughter's family and youngest grandson, we visited The Strong National Museum of Play and it is a great place to visit! Lots of interesting history shown there and plenty of things for kids young and old to do, worth a visit if you ever get up that way.

But...isn't there always one?...DO NOT BRING knives/weapons into the museum. I did not know that, I checked their site and it wasn't mentioned but they have a metal detector and guess who set it off? ;)
The security folks were very pleasant, they asked me to empty my pockets on the table, it felt like a scene from Mad Max when he went through security...fortunately I had left my neck knife in the car and only brought a few items, but they do add up.

Pliers, Swiss army knives two sizes, a fisher space pen, flashlight, one large one very small, one whistle, one small two bladed folder, one larger folder, both folders were slip joints.
The two security guards looked at each other and then at me as I kept drawing things from my pockets.
I told them I didn't know there were restrictions and that I can take them out to the car. The one guy offered to hold the items for me, I declined his generous offer ;)

Untitled by GaryWGraley, on Flickr

Of course my wife rolled her eyes, as she had warned me to not bring anything in, but they were fairly innocuous items, at least in my eyes, not so much in the security guards though.

So, I highly recommend a visit, but leave the metal in the car ;)
Much the same situation in Atlanta for Blade last year. Son and I took off on our own on Sunday and went to the aquarium. Brought like 4 knives. Yep, metal detector and lots of weird stares at me as I emptied my pockets.
My grandson loved it, he kept all of us running after him, he will be 3 in September so it's a race! here he is playing a giant size PacMan game, he can't see the images but he loves turning those knobs and hitting the buttons!

and even a trip to Sesame Street

Untitled by GaryWGraley, on Flickr
