The Talented Mr. Graley.....

Aug 4, 1999
After a reading MANY great reviews of Gary's work, I finally decided to have him make a sheath for me. After several Email chats with Greg Mete, and Gary, I decided my Bill Simons Stag Lockback would be a good candidate for a "dress sheath"!!

The knife is not large, 2 1/4' blade. Forming the leather so tightly around this little knife must not have been easy. The stitching is PERFECT


What really impresses me is that this is all ONE piece of leather....
This will NOT be my last Graley sheath!! Thanks Gary!!!
Check out his website:


Knives in STOCK!! I just updated my website, PLEASE take a look

[This message has been edited by Dr.Lathe (edited 02-02-2001).]
I second Neil's comments. Gary is a fantastic leathersmith. I have about 12 sheaths from him and love them all! Here is the sheath he made for me for my modified Buck Strider that, incidentally, Mr. Blackwood modified. They're both beautiful!

Here's the knife modified by Neil


Photos were taken by G2

~Greg Mete~
Kodiak Alaska

Buck Collectors Club-Lifetime Member

[This message has been edited by Kodiak PA (edited 02-02-2001).]
Nice knife/sheath combo there, Neil.
Is that a pocket sheath or is there a belt loop on the back? Gary does great work, I've got a couple of his and I want more, just wish he'd do fixed blades too.

Just have to decide which knife gets the treatment next!
Enjoy your new holder.

Buck Collectors Club Member # 572
Dedicated ELU
Knifeknut(just ask my wife)
Thanks Neil and Greg, and yes Brian there is an integral belt loop that goes from the top of the sheath to the bottom, nice knife as well, it surely does Walk and Talk!


"The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions!"
Take the time to read your Bible Now, don't be left behind...
How's it goin Neil?!

Great looking folder you have there, with what looks like some exceptional stag!

You chose the right man for wrapping some leather around that beauty.

Gary's leatherwork is challenged only his rock-solid integrity. A true gentleman.

"When loss and gain are alike to one, that is real gain.."
I agree with everything that has been said already. It was a pleasure dealing with Gary. Here is my Chinook. I have been carrying this every day since I got it.
<A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>

When I get my Sebenza I will send it over to Gary as well.

"The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none."
Thomas Carlyle

[This message has been edited by fq55 (edited 02-03-2001).]
I gotta agree G2 is just the best. I knew Gary was going to be making the sheath on my first custom folder even before I decided who would be making the knife.
Neil, my folder has stag scales similar to yours, and like you I wanted to show it off by having the butt sticking out. I get as many compliments on the sheath as I do the knife, and there's nothing fancy on mine, it just compliments it perfectly. The knife snaps in and out of it so well that there is no concern on my part about ever losing the knife.
I don't know when I'll get to my next custom folder, but I know who'll be making the sheath.

BTW, not only does he do great leather work Gary really knows knives, is a very good photographer and a great guy to talk to.

"Will work 4 Knives!"
My PhotoPoint Site
Very nice! Not only beautiful work, Gary has been very generous sharing his knowledge over at the KF Sheathmaking forum. Thanks much.
You know, that's what I like about Neil. I think his knives are so good because he's as giddy as us consumers about knives and knife related goodies. Now get back to finishing my Mini Hawksbill Neil!

As to Gary, I think his kindness as a person even outshines his sheath making prowess!
Yea, what they all said!!!

He has made several sheaths for me, and is the process of making 3 sheaths for me right now for a small Sebenza(2nd one left side carry), and 2 for my, and my wife's MT LCC's.

Great work, and great person to talk to.

Could not agree more. His work is awesome to say the least. I do not know where he gets his leather but it is top notch as is his work.

To top it all off you get to met a good person.

Don't see how you can get any better than that.

" The real art of living is to keep alive the longing in human beings to become greater versions of themselves." Laurens Van der Post in memory of James Mattis
I can't say enough good things about G2 both regarding his talanet and his great friendlly attitude.. I am sad to say I only have one of his sheaths.. excellently executed for a great niche market... and the more I see the better it looks... thanks again G2. it's a great elegant piece you made me.

[FAKE01].[the mirror site](
If you play with love you will be heartbroken; if you play with knives you will [bleed]
I have 2 very fine G2 sheaths (I gave my third one away at Christmas...)!

But, I also have 2 very nice sheaths for fixed blades made by Neil! He also makes a very nice sheath, which makes his praise for G2's sheaths even more meaningful....

My $.02 worth,

He who has smelt the smoke is never free again...