The Tormek sharpener.


Banned, Racist Fucktard
Jan 18, 2001
Anybody used this thing. It looks awesome, but I want to make sure before dropping that kinda cash.
I had never heard of them before, so I went looking before posting. If anybody else wants to look, here is a link for a company that carries them. I don't know anything about them, so this is just for informational purposes.

In my opinion this a lot more machine than even the standard knife knut that hangs out here needs! If you were to do professional work on sharpening, especially if doing a lot of products other than knives, it would probably be worth it. But to a standard Joe, on a limited income? I'm not so sure. You can get a complete Edgepro Apex, shipped, for only about half of the 389.00 that they want for just a base unit, without shipping! Now, if you have extra cash just rattling around in your wallet that you Have to get rid of, this may be the machine for you. Just my opinion, I'm not sure of your exact situation so this may mean nothing.

Take care.

bad link, hopefully it is now fixed

[This message has been edited by Andy Wilson (edited 01-22-2001).]
I've seen them in the store, but haven't used one. They seem rather "special-purpose" to me. The primary advantage I see is if you plan on doing large-radius hollow grinding of custom blades. For most sharpening purposes a belt sander would work as well for a lot less money.