The Twins...


Enjoying the discussions
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Oct 8, 2001
So I have this customer who wanted identical carbon gent's folders with a little pizzazz. Clean and crisp satin-finished bolsters and blade, with some filework to spark it up a bit.


I can do that, I says :) So out comes a pencil and paper and I start my drawings for some idea's. I have been spoiled by photographing some VERY ornate knives lately, and the thoughts are flowing...

All of a sudden I jump up and say "That's it!", and I march downstairs to the shop to start my work. I knew I could do this, and I was pleased at the outcome.

The Dagger also has SOOOOOO many different edges and facets to it. They take quite a bit more time than any other style, but I like the challenge. Those bevels are not cast in there.

Hope you like them too!

Coop :
those are excellent sir . A worthy addition to anyones collection.
I am hoping to see you do one of the DDR Bali's when they are out in kit form. I don't know what I envy more..your filework and finish or photography skills. Both are top notch ! Rock On !!
Hi Coop,

I think they look terrific and I'm sure someone is going to be most pleased to welcome those twins to a new home.


Coop - those are AWESOME! Your filework skills are to be admired.
What can I say --- Me likes and me wants , both are outstanding . That dagger makes my mouth water everytime I see one , come to think of it I feel a cool drink coming my way sometime soon ..:D

The owner of these two will be most pleased . Is this two of three you were talking about ?
These were fun to make and worked out nicely. Like anyone, my work gets a little better and better each time I give it a whirl.

Someday I'll work up a website, but in the meanwhile I decided to ramp up my advertising campaign for these 'Twins'..

Look here!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D

I plan on selling a LOT of knives. HE HE HE!!!


(Yes, Jerry, these are part of that trio. You keep that thirst up!! :))
Coop, your filework is phenomenal!
The pic below is my first attempt at filework. I see that I need a lot of practice before I am able to duplicate your fine work.
