The "whole new thread" for Ti hardware.

Aug 31, 2011
I don't have any.....YET.

But I know of a few of you that do.

Care to share here?

I thought this tread would pop up, it didn't, so I took initiative.

Or did it pop up and I missed it?
If I find some I will let you guys know. Of course after I acquire mine :)
Haha well played sir, well played indeed. I want some ano. Ti hardware like its no ones business!! Theres a sweet hinderer i saw up for auction this morning all blue ano w brass standoffs...almost drowned my phone w drool!! :)

Maybe rob will offer us some insight. Good thread N2K..
if you didn't make this, I probably would have! Lol
Guys we all want for them.

I created this thread knowing only a handfull of XM exist with these pieces. So I only made this thread because it was mentioned in another (just look at the title for clarity) and if any with these items care to share, that's cool too.

Oh, and I wouldn't pester Rob with this topic....when they are available, we will know.

Some Ti Hardware. Some Ano, some not - ALL Beauty :)

My Most venerable EDC (most duty)

My First Hinderer

Speaks for itself, Wow Rick

IMO a Hinderer "Collector" has to have some of the Older stuff - Again, Wow Rick
my god, you guys are all KILLING me with your Ti scales!!! did I miss out?! was there a ti scale release within the last 3-4 months that I missed?! lol. none of you have one to spare?!!? C'MON! :p:D

awesome pics guys! Rubi, I agree w you about the old stuff..boy would I love to get my hands on one of those older GNARLY ass tantos...forget the model name...firetac? idk. beautiful blue Ti scale'd spearpoint. awesome stuff. I got a FEVER...and the only cure, is more Ti n more satin! ;)
What time is it? ........... If its anywhere close to 2000hrs. 19 Sept 2013 - Yes. You missed it. No More Ti. ALL gone.

CD - I don't know why but, I love jazzing you :D ALL in good time my young friend! You have great energy, enthusiasm and passion - We just need to work on the Patience portion of the Hobby.
It's a Marathon, not a Sprint.
Nice scales Jensen and Chris!! ;) love what you've done with them. And Rubi, just wow! This is going to be a great thread. Can't wait to see the hardware pics...
What time is it? ........... If its anywhere close to 2000hrs. 19 Sept 2013 - Yes. You missed it. No More Ti. ALL gone.

CD - I don't know why but, I love jazzing you :D ALL in good time my young friend! You have great energy, enthusiasm and passion - We just need to work on the Patience portion of the Hobby.
It's a Marathon, not a Sprint.

Haha, dude u almost made me check ricks website when i started reading it lol. Patience has always been my problem. Enthusiasm sure isnt! This is how i get...i spend all day "enthusing" ppl at work. Im also a huuge hobbyist, once something grabs me, its got me right by the short n curlys! First benchmade then spyderco, then microtech, now finally i found the right place. Its amazing how once you get an xm, nothing from my previous favs can even come close. Im literally selling off almost all my non hinderer knives to fund another rhk custom. Hinderer is really all i want and need in the knife world. Only things im keeping are one ultratech, one halo v, and one sebenza...all else is just future funds for a custom hinderer. :)

But i sure do love my internet forums, im soooo happy i found this place. I never have anyone to share all this enthusiasm with in the real world...not that that really STOPS me or anything. I MAKE ppl listen to me talk about knives haha. So thats why i love it here and i reaaalllly hope to get out to a show or gathering soon so i can actually meet everyone. Iv been to forum gatherings from a past hobby, and it really is an awesome thing to share all this good stuff in person w ppl.

Now all i gotta do is actually use some money to take a trip instead of keep buying blades! Haha, then you need spending money!! ;)

Jensen - you butthole, trying to torture me arent you?! Haha jk. Dudes, really diggin that bronze ti smooth scale. Cant wait to get my grubby paws all over one.

Thanks fellas! Hope everyones having a great night! :)
Can not argue with that plan. Never been much of a "seller" but, If push came to shove and I needed or wanted to sell off a portion of my knife collection - the list would be ready and long and sans anything Hinderer.
Have not Sold anything lately BUT ALL purchases have started with an "Hind" and ended with an "er". :)
What can I say .....
No patience here either. Hinderers are teaching me all about it though. Always worth the hunt when you find something you've been looking for.
Post of Wisdom for the Day (maybe)... " Hinderers are a Blessing,,,, Patience is a Virtue"

Being old and gray HAS to have some benefit!! Maybe moments of lucidity is - it!

I dunno. :eek: