The Youtube and Video Link thread

Here's one that was shared on another knifemaking forum. Now we all can see why damascus from Pakistan is of such poor quality from a functional standpoint. The way these folks heat their initial billets (stacking a pile of cold pieces in the forge at once) would burn out a huge amount of carbon, not to mention the grain growth that would occur for the times at welding/forging temps. Perhaps they edited out the grain refinement steps..... IMO, the smith at the power hammer has decent skills, demonstrating how much you can get done with a power hammer (initial weld, draw out, fold, re-weld, square and twist seems to all one heat).
I hope it's OK to post this video here. After all - it is Shop Talk for "bladesmiths". If not, I will understand.
See if this floats your boat.
This is the first installment of four 1-hour-long videos of Lin Rhea demonstrating and teaching his method of creating his world famous "X-Rhea" knife.
Please be sure to watch/listen to my introduction first.
(I explain a few things)
