They'd sell like hotcakes

Jun 4, 2002
Kumar Karda Villagers, 'nuff said. ;)


p.s.: actually had one some time back that was given to me by a forumite to use in Afghanistan, don't have that knife anymore, it's currently pulling duty with a young soldier headed to Iraq, and he loves it. :thumbup:
I'd buy some. Already have 5 or 6 of the regular ones. Wish the blade were a LEEETLE bit thinner.
I think the knives that go with the YCS and are sometimes sold separately are some of the best small knives HI makes.
I'd buy one. I am very impressed with my villager GRS. It seriously shaved my arm hairs right out of the box. I love the Kumar Karda I've got now. It is handled with a tine of an antler, and it curves forward. Fits my hand great, but I don't know how comfortable it would be during a longer chore like filed dressing a deer. It does fine in the kitchen. I'd like a villager one with a straight handle. Do we need to pre-pay or something. Lemme know.
Aardvark said:
Wish the blade were a LEEETLE bit thinner.

Roger that, on a knife that size, that won't be much used for chopping/prying, a spine thickness of around 3/16" seems to work well.
