Thin Light knife for runners????????

Oct 22, 2003
Obviously Im looking at an endura.
Looking for a super light knife to clip to inside of running shorts. Right now Im carrying a Spydie delica,which is great, but Id prefer something a bit bigger, as this blades almost sole purpose would be defense. I probably going to buy a Fully serrated endura(possible sale pending) but I didnt want to make the deal with out giving the BF community a chance to show me any possibilities I might be missing!

So far Ive looked at the sog lightwights, emerson hard ware (which I really like!) And cold steel FRN stuff (Im not buying from them right now!)

Just wanted to see if I missed anything worth looking at. Trying to keep about the same size blade as Endura (4" ish) around $50 ish bucks too!

Nothing seems flat ,thin , light and sharp as an endura. Plus the VG-10 would be awesome for stain-resistance I do believe.

Any suggestions, and thanks to all! :)

Oh P.S. How would a hawk bill do In this job description like a merlin or harpy type blade for defense? Im not as worried about people as I am the big a$$ dogs that like to chase me from time to time. Though Im not too worried about either, Id like to be prepared blade wise, should I need to be. Also a knife is about the heaviest thing I can stand to carry when I run. :D
Like you I'm more worried about dogs than people so I carry a small container of pepper spray.
Any runners out there? I keep trying to find more info on the emerson hardware knives but theres not a lot of feed back. There not as long as the endura though and I dont know if there double ground or not. I think they are.

Tose are the only light wieghts I can remember.
Hey guys! My last post was before your poped up. Ive thought of pepperspray but that seems so bulky. (not really my style either) And the cold steel line seems great but Im not supporting them at the present time.

I like the 4"tanto voyager though. Seems much stouter blade wise than an Endura but I bet it wouldnt slash like one. How do you like yours?
I all but gave up on carrying a knife while running after losing a couple of them, instead I just carry small can of pepper spray. It weighs about the same and has a longer reach than the knives do, also highly effective. Just my .02.
My CS Voyagers, one clip, one tanto, are two of the sharpest knives I have --both will shave a tomato; the thinly ground edges on the Voyagers make them some of the best cutters around IMHO. The tanto would slash very effectively, particularly with the acute 'secondary' tip. I haven't handled any of the Emerson 'hard use' knives but they have a strong resemblance to the Voyagers and I would not be surprised if they were made in the same (Japanese) plant. Both are AUS8 steel, I believe, they have what looks to be a very similar lockback and a tough synthetic handle. I have had no problems with corrosion on my Voyagers despite repeated exposure to sweat.
why not a neck knife? i take my Calypso Jr around my neck when i jog... way easier to get to than unclipping it off my shorts... and it doesn't really bob around and bother me in strides either...
In my opinion, there's no knife better than the endura for your use. It's what I use for jogging. It's slimmer than most of the other zytel-handled folders, lighter in weight, made with much better blade steel than the CS/Emerson fare, and has that big spyderco hole (great for easy opening even when you're beat tired).

Joe Talmadge said:
In my opinion, there's no knife better than the endura for your use. It's what I use for jogging. It's slimmer than most of the other zytel-handled folders, lighter in weight, made with much better blade steel than the CS/Emerson fare, and has that big spyderco hole (great for easy opening even when you're beat tired).


I have to agree Mr. Joe. I just ordered one in VG-10 SE just cant think of a more suited knife.

Keep the suggestions coming though cause theres always room in the knife drawer! :D
You'll like that Endura. I've had mine for over a decade and it's still one of my favorite knives.

First off, throw out the $50.00 price tag. If you want thin and light, go where the pros go and start looking at carbon fiber:) My Benchmade 941D2CF would fit your bill perfectly, except mine's not for sale. The clip works really well clipped in the waist band of a pair of shorts. Maybe you could find one on ebay.

You seem to be a Spydie kind of guy and want something big and mean to fend off the hounds. How about a carbon fiber Military or Police model? Lightweight, stain resistant and sharp as all get out, but again more than $50.00.

I've carried several Cold Steel Voyageers over the years before I became a knife snob and they always served me well. At least the AUS8 stuff was always good and tough and took a razor edge. Nice strong locks too. While I still carry Benchmade, Microtech and AlMar most of the time with the occasional Sebenza or Elishewitz thrown in, I couldn't resist buying another Cold Steel Voyager at their parking lot sale a couple weeks ago. It'll go in the "check bag knives for use while traveling by airplane" rotation next to a Kershaw Vapor. I'd hate to lose a really nice knife to the TSA.

I don't run much right now, but when I do, I carry either a DDR CF ArcLite around my neck, or a Spyderco Calypso Jr. ltwt. in my waistband.
I would carry something like a Goddard ltwt. given your criteria, as it is about the same size as an Endura, with a more secure handle, and stouter blade.
Owen did I miss you at Blade?? If so THAT SUCKS!! I hope you werent there, cause it will piss me off if you were.. :grumpy: If nothing else there is always next year pal...
With all due respect to you and all other posters, if your main concern is dogs, I would second the pepper spray. Surely you cannot be slashing your way through numerous dogs each time you jog. Them dogs will not recognise the threat and back off when you draw your knife. Perhaps best would be pepper spray and one of the knives recommended and you would be covered against 4 legs and 2.
I'll have to second (third? fourth?) the pepper spray if you're worried about dogs. When I used to run trails there were two different spots close to houses where I often had confrontations. Never was bit, but had to stop, slow down, pissed myself once when a big Rottie lunged and I actually felt his nose brush my thigh. I got some pepper spray, and next time I stopped, waited until he was in range, and then sprayed him while yelling "Hey, Hey, Hey". Next time I saw him I just yelled and he literally turned and ran away. Very effective. One of the reasons I like pepper spray is that I like dogs, have a few myself, and I don't want to really damage them. And if there's two or more dogs that sincerely mean to do you harm, and you've only got a knife, you are screwed. It's their owner's faults anyway, anyone who lets a large aggressive dog just roam around is putting their dog and anyone who encounters it in unnecessary danger. I'll stop before this turns into a rant (maybe too late). Oh, and I do carry an old beater Delica with me when I run, even though I'm in neighborhoods now. I don't even notice it's there.