Third times a charm? Someone from Chris Reeve knives please???

Sep 14, 1999
I have tried to Email this to CRK twice, dont know whats happening, not getting it? Pic does'nt load? I will try it here may be Mark or someone can get me a price.Thanks to James Mattis for the pic, hope you dont mind me using it?

Would it be possible to get a small Sebenza made with this decoration on
the handle? If so price and delivery date please? Also would I be able
to get it in the Classic 2000 style handle? Would this option cost more
than a standard style handle?
Thank you very much!
Matt Cucchiara
Fresno CA.

<img src=>

I am so sorry but your email never came through! Be sure you have the address correct "".

To answer your question, Yes, we can do a similar design on a Small Sebenza for you. The cost for a Unique Graphic is $390.
The turnaround time would be approximately 4-6 months.
And...the cost would be the same on either handle style.

If you would like to order, please let us know and we can put your order in the system.

Hope this helps,