• Preorders are LIVE for the 2024 BladeForums Traditional Knife

    Traditional Knife Information Thread - make sure you go in there and read up.

    Requirements: Be a Gold or higher member or have been a member of the forums since 6/2023 with at least 100 posts in the Traditional Forum. Preorder is for people who live in the continental US only, international orders will be separate.

    Delivery expected in Q4 2024, hopefully before the holidays.

    User Name
    Serial number request

This forum is closing. Do NOT Post Sales Threads Here!

Hello. I notice that the posts are now arranged by the most recently replied to. Previously they were sorted by the posting date making easier to track new posts. Is there a setting on here to get it back to sorted by original post time and date?

+1 to this. Im not a fan of replied to threads getting bumped to top. Latest post is more convenient IMO. Don't have to look at the same thread multiple times because someone new posted in it. Liked it a lot more with newest being at the top and staying there til a new one took the top....
Simple... As a seller, instead of posting one thread with fixed and folding knives, now you'll have to post two. As a buyer, you'll need to be searching/watching two threads instead of one. For some people adding another thread is significant (since they already participate in three or more). You could take this approach further and say that each brand/knife manufacturer will have its own thread which obviously won't work.

I agree with VXD. All about supporting user requests but the sales section seemed to be working fine the way it was. Now there are more places to post, more places to check and fewer views of individual sales threads will be the end result.

If someone is looking for a specific knife they can always use the search function. Already have 5 areas to check for individual sales not including the knife makers section for us window shopper :P

My 2 pennies. Views subject to change.

Thank you,
+1 to this. Im not a fan of replied to threads getting bumped to top. Latest post is more convenient IMO. Don't have to look at the same thread multiple times because someone new posted in it. Liked it a lot more with newest being at the top and staying there til a new one took the top....

It does suck that when you bump your post it doesn't go to the top again... meaning you're not really bumping anything and it takes longer to get enough views to sell your item.
I think it is a good idea - thanks for the continuous improvement of the BF's!


This is hectic with the new forum up and running and people still posting to this one...
Simple... As a seller, instead of posting one thread with fixed and folding knives, now you'll have to post two. As a buyer, you'll need to be searching/watching two threads instead of one. For some people adding another thread is significant (since they already participate in three or more). You could take this approach further and say that each brand/knife manufacturer will have its own thread which obviously won't work.

It works for customs, it'll work for productions.

Now there are more places to post, more places to check and fewer views of individual sales threads will be the end result.

If you're actively looking for a specific knife, you'll only go to threads advertising that knife. This won't change that. If you're just browsing hoping to waste money, you'll still check both subforums one after the other (unless you only buy folders or fixed, in which case you wouldn't have viewed certain threads any more before than you will now.) It might feel different, but it realistically won't do much, except to organize the forum better.
FWIW, i too, would strongly prefer things remain as is. Now I'll have one more place to search & one more place to post & regularly check on when i want to sell. It will be less convenient for many, not more.

IMO, it's not broke...why fix it.
I too love the new organiziation of the forums, although i dont sell i only buy and it makes buying a heck of a lot easier because i mainly buy fixed blades and now i dont have to sort through all the folder postings! Thanks a lot for makin things easier BF!
That explains why no new posts. I thought that it was because of the holidays. Doh!